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Version 25 (modified by Gedare Bloom, on 10/20/18 at 19:18:44) (diff)


Google Code-In Task Planning

This page has ideas for more tasks we can create for Google Code-In.

If you have an idea for a task, add a stub below, and discuss with the other mentors. Eventually, these tasks should be integrated with and/or converted into a descriptive page that gets linked from our main GCI page using the GCI Task Template.

The categories are as follows:

  • Code: writing or refactoring code
  • Documentation and Training: creating/editing documents and helping others learn more
  • Outreach and Research: community management, outreach/marketing, or studying problems and recommending solutions
  • Quality Assurance: testing and ensuring code is of high quality
  • Design: user experience research or user interface design and interaction


  • Develop a POSIX Benchmark test based on what is still missing in the planning list (GCI 2013)
  • Write a new example-v2 program derived from other examples/tests to demonstrate some aspect of RTEMS.


  • Hello World Variations (Instructions at GCI/Coding/HelloWorld
    • (Repeatable) Hello World with Linux as Host OS. Student picks the distribution.
    • (Repeatable) Hello World with Windows Host OS
    • (Repeatable) Hello World with Host OS of Students Choice. Surprise us.
  • (Repeatable) Build rtems-libbsd network stack and make report.
  • (Repeatable) Build examples-v2 git repository and run two tests, make a report.
  • Convert wiki pages to RST to generate manuals.
    • BSPs -- for these we should create ReST wiki pages.
    • Software Engineering / Contributors Handbook
  • Create a wiki page for Coverage analysis by collecting information from related wikis. (GCI/Documentation/CoverageAnalysis)
    • Once done, a task to convert that to Rst for the RTEMS Software Engineering Handbook.
  • (Repeatable) Post a YouTube video showing a successful run of the Hello World process. (Tutorials)
  • Rationalize prefix path and directory organization in various build instructions. Instructions must tell you want to look for and what to change.


  • (Repeatable) Make an Introduction to RTEMS presentation.
  • (Repeatable) We have trouble knowing when a specific NASA or ESA mission using RTEMS launches or has interesting news. How could we know that? How could we get this information to the RTEMS Community? A few example missions are NASA Parker Solar Probe, NASA ICESAT-2, ESA ExoMars?, and ESA BepiColumbo?.
  • (~3-10 unique) Interview a previous RTEMS GSoC Student. Need to confirm availability of the GSoC alum.
  • (Repeatable) Write a tutorial for how to contribute to RTEMS.
  • (~30 unique) Updates Citations for recent years (2015, 2016, 2017). New component of this task is to add bibtex entries/links. Might be able to do bibtex links on prior years (GCI/Outreach/Citations).
  • Create a tutorial for how to use RTEMS in CFS, EPICS.

Quality Assurance

  • (~35 unique) Fix 3 warnings in RTEMS. Generate 3 separate patches.
  • (~125 unique) Investigate a Coverity Scan CID and file or update a ticket accordingly.
  • (~34 unique) Investigate an open ticket on a released version of RTEMS.
  • Fix a warning in the examples-v2 source code.
  • (Repeatable) Run the RTEMS Test Suite using the RTEMS Tester on the sparc/leon3 BSP and report results.
  • (Repeatable) Run the RTEMS Test Suite using the RTEMS Tester on the powerpc/psim BSP and report results.
  • Compare Manuals with Wiki pages and identify/resolve differences.


  • (multiple times) Design a new organization logo. We could use a nice square logo.
  • Create a new set of templates for web pages to upgrade We would like to migrate to an easier to maintain platform. It might also be desirable to use a static site generator to create the pages.
  • Visual History of RTEMS. We want to find a way we can visually tell our story. For example education, some simple picture of small board and students from different parts of the world. Big toys from NASA and ESA pictures that are free for us to use, for example the MMS's flat pack, maybe something from the Solar probe to industry pics of high end standard boards we support. Maybe pics of processors, eval boards. I am wondering about a story based around pictures. We also have a rich history of GCI and GSoC that deserves highlighting.