Notice: We have migrated to GitLab launching 2024-05-01 see here:



08:01 Ticket #3122 (Simplify and unify BSP_output_char) closed by Sebastian Huber <sebastian.huber@…>
fixed: In [changeset:"1bc0ad2e12e9e523a9b9043ac47254a0597826bf/rtems" 1bc0ad2/rtems]: […]
06:20 Ticket #3131 (Move more implementation details of mmap() to the file handlers) created by Sebastian Huber
The mmap() implementation contains too many conditionals. It doesn't …


22:01 Ticket #3130 (RTEMS latex output does not build) created by Chris Johns
Doxygen latex output on does not build. Does latex …
21:21 Ticket #3129 (RTEMS Tools covoar build fails on Windows) created by Chris Johns
The following warnings and errors are present so the RSB tools do not …
21:15 Ticket #3128 (RTEMS Tools corvar does not build on Windows.) closed by Chris Johns <chrisj@…>
fixed: In [changeset:"cb0677b05c76927febcc1e58c33f7c2b008e5614/rtems-tools" cb0677b/rtems-tools]: […]
20:29 Ticket #3128 (RTEMS Tools corvar does not build on Windows.) created by Chris Johns
The following error has appeared on Windows: […]


22:58 Ticket #3127 (MIPS tool build on Darwin (MacOS) fails.) created by Chris Johns
This is the same bug that effects FreeBSD. For details see: …


13:42 Ticket #3126 (Accept PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED for POSIX barriers) created by Sebastian Huber
Since we have only one process, sharing between processes is trivial.
13:38 Ticket #3125 (Accept PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED for POSIX mutexes) created by Sebastian Huber
Since we have only one process, sharing between processes is trivial.
13:17 Ticket #3124 (Ignore pshared attribute for POSIX semaphores) created by Sebastian Huber
Since we have only one process, sharing between processes is trivial.
12:12 Ticket #3123 (GDB 8.0.1 is broken on FreeBSD 11) created by Sebastian Huber
I tried to add the patches for 7.11, but this results in: […]
08:37 Ticket #3122 (Simplify and unify BSP_output_char) created by Sebastian Huber
The BSP_output_char should output a char and not mingle with high …


19:20 SOCIS/2017 edited by Mikail Yayla
student update socis (diff)


12:41 Ticket #2944 (FAT data corruption during unmount()) closed by Sebastian Huber <sebastian.huber@…>
fixed: In [changeset:"a3199d91f395c35accffcf1b037bc398a5a41205/rtems" a3199d91/rtems]: […]
12:10 Ticket #2964 (fat: msdos_find_file_in_directory(..) doesn't reset LFN search ...) closed by Sebastian Huber <sebastian.huber@…>
fixed: In [changeset:"a76c31e13dfc6345b12f7de4dedeebbff514e3aa/rtems" a76c31e1/rtems]: […]
11:24 Ticket #2987 (fat: msdos_dir_read(..) doesn't reset conversion output string length) closed by Sebastian Huber <sebastian.huber@…>
fixed: In [changeset:"e1c3dc090953876079946b0d29d97ff09d1ecc85/rtems" e1c3dc09/rtems]: […]
08:21 Ticket #3003 (FAT does not support clusters bigger than 32K) closed by Sebastian Huber <sebastian.huber@…>
fixed: In [changeset:"fae59c9b4248e5511d1ea469624aa9842fc289e1/rtems" fae59c9/rtems]: […]
06:15 Ticket #3121 (clock() implementation in Newlib is broken) created by Sebastian Huber
Newlib uses _times_r() in clock(). The problem is that the _times_r() …
05:43 Ticket #2135 (times() and _times() are subject to integer overflows) closed by Sebastian Huber <sebastian.huber@…>
fixed: In [changeset:"731e68a39a7b8d662df74d75d780c1ad2c2f8729/rtems" 731e68a3/rtems]: […]


12:36 Ticket #3120 (RTEMS - EtherCAT SOEM integration) created by Nikolaos Tsiogkas
Aim of this ticket is to track the progress of the effort to integrate …


03:40 Ticket #2988 (Documentation link to the 4.11 release is broken.) closed by Chris Johns
fixed: Fixed.
03:33 Ticket #3008 (missing pax causes install failures) closed by Chris Johns <chrisj@…>
fixed: In [changeset:"2cc9e2acd2ff48f913dfd2269b05740160d93c12/rtems-docs" 2cc9e2a/rtems-docs]: […]
03:29 Ticket #2862 ( Add support to ReST format releases.) closed by Chris Johns
fixed: Fixed.
01:30 Ticket #2906 (rtems-doc waf configure does not detect sphinxcontrib.bibtex status) closed by Chris Johns
01:06 Ticket #2864 ( Automatic update of branches content when a ...) closed by Chris Johns
fixed: Commits update master and the release branch.


05:40 Ticket #3119 (Docs failed to build PDF with the latest Sphinx.) closed by Chris Johns <chrisj@…>
fixed: In [changeset:"ba143e0b300bfde55c328ca5152bbc05d4386f07/rtems-docs" ba143e0/rtems-docs]: […]
05:39 Ticket #3119 (Docs failed to build PDF with the latest Sphinx.) created by Chris Johns
Back port the master (4.12) fix.
05:37 Ticket #3031 (Give and jails access to the TrueNAS storage.) closed by Chris Johns


08:39 SOCIS/2017 edited by Mikail Yayla
student update socis (diff)


10:41 Ticket #2726 (grascs.c: Questionable use of binary semaphore) closed by Daniel Hellstrom
fixed: Fixed by efcac228f4888c2cccfea0caf584705f0fddfc14
10:40 Ticket #2878 (src/c/src/lib/libbsp/sparc/shared/can/occan.c:1573: broken error checking ?) closed by Daniel Hellstrom
fixed: Fixed by 3471d3da25de4e706f4cdb09d93a4de4e54455df
10:36 Ticket #3072 (Declaration of global functions in driver source files) closed by Daniel Hellstrom


07:09 Ticket #2930 (Coverity Reports Out of Bounds Read in drvmgr_print.c) closed by Daniel Hellstrom <daniel@…>
fixed: In [changeset:"3663be53521e29981f3617ef99c7f8e3cec7036d/rtems" 3663be53/rtems]: […]
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.