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#4904 new defect

Application build with vendor target toolchain fails with rtems make build support

Reported by: Martin Erik Werner Owned by:
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: build Version: 5
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Blocked By:


When building an application using the make build support (as given by the example in make/Templates/Makefile.leaf), and when the used toolchain has a vendor identifier as part of the target triplet (for example sparc-gaisler-rtems5), the build fails with the following kind of error:

<user_path>/make/custom/default.cfg:14: <user_path>/sparc-rtems5/leon3/make/bsp.cfg: No such file or directory                       
make: *** No rule to make target '<user_path>/sparc-rtems5/leon3/make/bsp.cfg'.  Stop.                                                                                  

This seems to be due to make/custom/default.cfg which uses:


include $(RTEMS_ROOT)/$(RTEMS_TARGET)/$(RTEMS_BSP)/make/target.cfg
include $(RTEMS_SHARE)/make/host.cfg

include $(RTEMS_ROOT)/make/main.cfg
include $(RTEMS_ROOT)/$(RTEMS_TARGET)/$(RTEMS_BSP)/make/bsp.cfg

where RTEMS_CPU does not include the vendor id, and hence gives an incorrect target triplet in RTEMS_TARGET.

This seems to be a regression between rtems 4.11 and rtems 5 introduced in


Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed on 05/15/23 at 03:29:43 by Chris Johns

Does your build system provide RTEMS_TARGET?

How do you specify the sparc-gaisier label?

comment:2 Changed on 05/15/23 at 07:59:13 by Martin Erik Werner

My build system does not touch RTEMS_TARGET, I'm using a Makefile based on the Makefile.leaf template:

# C source names, if any, go here -- minus the .c



include $(RTEMS_CUSTOM)
include $(RTEMS_ROOT)/make/leaf.cfg

all:	${ARCH} $(SRCS) $(PGMS)

# The following links using C rules.
${ARCH}/foo.exe: ${OBJS} ${LINK_FILES}

and pointing RTEMS_MAKEFILE_PATH to a compiled and installed version of an RTEMS BSP.

The sparc-gaisler-rtems5 triplet is given by the toolchain, in my case this is taken directly from rcc-1.3.1-gcc from .

However I would guess that this problem would apply to any toolchain with a vendor in its name (even "unknown").

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