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#4012 new task

Porting EEMBC Coremaster Pro benchmark to rtems

Reported by: Ashritha Owned by:
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: admin Version: 5
Severity: normal Keywords: coremaster-pro gaisler
Cc: Blocked By:


EEMBC provides coremark-pro for benchmarking SMP multi-core. I have a LEON3- Dual core processor on an FPGA. I want to benchmark it using rtems provided in gaisler website. The benchmark suite I have selected to try is Coremark-pro. AFter many trials in building for rtems, I am getting the following errors as attached in the files. I have also mentioned the Make command and options I am using.
In coremaster pro folder, inside util, inside make I have created a sparc-gaisler-rtems.mak file.

Attachments (2)

rtems_querry_coremaster_pro.txt (1.9 KB) - added by Ashritha on 06/22/20 at 08:49:19.
sparc-gaisler-rtems5.mak (8.6 KB) - added by Ashritha on 06/22/20 at 08:50:01.
This is the makefile included in the coremaster-pro->util->make folder

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (3)

Changed on 06/22/20 at 08:49:19 by Ashritha

Changed on 06/22/20 at 08:50:01 by Ashritha

Attachment: sparc-gaisler-rtems5.mak added

This is the makefile included in the coremaster-pro->util->make folder

comment:1 Changed on 06/22/20 at 08:53:03 by Ashritha

rtems_querry_coremaster_pro.txt contains the output of make command ans its error.

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