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Custom Query (3635 matches)


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Results (3101 - 3200 of 3635)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#4532 Priority inversion issues with MrsP locking protocol implementation Sebastian Huber defect normal 6.1 score
#4533 libdebugger should only build for archs with a backend Chris Johns defect normal 6.1 lib/debugger
#4534 SMP EDF scheduler violates priority group ordering Sebastian Huber defect normal 6.1 score
#4544 The last processor must not be removed if it is owned by a helping scheduler Sebastian Huber defect normal 6.1 score
#4545 The SMP EDF scheduler can only support more restricted affinity sets of a thread Sebastian Huber defect normal 6.1 score
#4546 A thread restart does not update the priority of related threads Sebastian Huber defect normal 6.1 score
#4548 Add RTEMS version option to waf configure Sebastian Huber <sebastian.huber@…> enhancement normal 6.1 build
#4549 Timecounter: Add NTP support (cloned) enhancement normal 5.2 score
#4551 Workaround for GRLIB-TN-0011 required for sparc/leon3 BSPs in SMP configuration Sebastian Huber defect normal 6.1 arch/sparc
#4552 untar: problems with existing directories Christian Mauderer defect normal Indefinite lib
#4553 Adapt improved for rtems-tools 5 branch Alex White <alex.white@…> defect normal 5.1 tool
#4554 Adapt improved for RSB 5 branch Alex White <alex.white@…> defect normal 5.1 tool/rsb
#4555 Remove aarch64 and microblaze from RSB on 5 branch Joel Sherrill <joel@…> defect normal 5.3 tool/rsb
#4556 rtems_shell_main_mmove problem Chris Johns defect normal 6.1 shell
#4557 medit problem in RTEMS6 (was 4.11/5.1) Chris Johns defect normal 6.1 shell
#4558 chmod problem in shell of RTEMS4.13/RTEMS5.1 Chris Johns <chrisj@…> defect normal 5.3 shell
#4560 Use thread-local storage for Newlib reentrancy objects Sebastian Huber project normal 6.1 tool/newlib
#4561 Fix build issue with qemu4 on Ubuntu Ryan Long <ryan.long@…> defect normal 5.1 tool/rsb
#4562 Bump dtc on rtems5 to match rtems6 Ryan Long <ryan.long@…> defect normal 5.1 tool/rsb
#4563 Add long double math methods to newlib project normal 7.1 tool/newlib
#4564 close_editor problem of RTEMS4.13/5.1 Chris Johns <chrisj@…> defect normal 5.3 shell
#4565 medit malloc problem of RTEMS5.1 Chris Johns <chrisj@…> enhancement normal 5.3 shell
#4566 Atomic store does not use the order parameter for C++ Sebastian Huber defect normal 6.1 score
#4567 Atomic store does not use the order parameter for C++ (cloned) Sebastian Huber defect normal 5.2 score
#4568 untar: problems with existing directories Christian Mauderer defect normal Indefinite lib
#4569 aarch64 cache support does not provide rtems_cache_disable_data() Joel Sherrill defect normal 6.1 arch/aarch64
#4572 Improve Clarity for New Clock Manager Directives Sebastian Huber defect normal 6.1 doc
#4577 arm/atsamv: UART loses receive characters when the system has a high interrupt load Christian Mauderer defect normal bsps
#4578 arm/atsamv: UART loses receive characters when the system has a high interrupt load (cloned) Christian Mauderer defect normal bsps
#4580 Update BSP for STM32H7 Sebastian Huber defect normal bsps
#4581 Add AArch64 to Tier 1 BSPs Kinsey Moore <kinsey.moore@…> task normal 6.1 admin
#4583 rtems-bsp-builder: Do not vary on network Joel Sherrill defect normal 6.1 tool
#4584 Failure to download mpc tar.gz during 4.11 build Chris Johns defect normal 4.11.4 build
#4585 Multiple Prototype Issues/Mismatches in rtems-examples from trace linker Joel Sherrill <joel@…> defect normal 6.1 tool
#4586 4.11/rtems-arm does not build on ubuntu 21.10 Chris Johns defect normal 4.11.4 tool/gcc
#4587 sb-bootstrap does not work with python3 Chris Johns defect normal 4.11.4 tool/rsb
#4588 RTEMS Stack Checker Report Bad Access When Not Enabled Kinsey Moore <kinsey.moore@…> defect normal 6.1 admin
#4591 BSP/Atsam: I2C driver doesn't return errors on NACK Christian Mauderer defect normal bsps
#4592 BSP/Atsam: I2C driver doesn't return errors on NACK Christian Mauderer defect normal bsps
#4610 BSP/atsam: UART driver sends data with a small gap Christian Mauderer defect normal bsps
#4611 BSP/atsam: UART driver sends data with a small gap Christian Mauderer defect normal bsps
#4613 Deprecate sparc64 port in rtems6 and remove in rtems7 Gedare Bloom defect normal 6.1 arch/sparc64
#4614 Deprecate sh port in rtems6 and remove in rtems7 Gedare Bloom defect normal 6.1 arch/sh
#4615 Deprecate v850 port in rtems6 and remove in rtems7 Gedare Bloom defect normal 6.1 arch/v850
#4617 Potential non-monotonic CLOCK_MONOTONIC Sebastian Huber defect normal 6.1 score
#4621 libbsd/ipsec: ipsec-tools allocate big buffers Christian Mauderer enhancement normal network/libbsd
#4627 Multitasking start is broken on SMP targets which do not restore the interrupt state during context switching Sebastian Huber defect normal 6.1 score
#4629 shell: Potential stack corruption in rtems_shell_init() Sebastian Huber defect normal 6.1 shell
#4631 RSB fails to build gdb with Python 3.10 (and newer) Chris Johns defect normal 6.1 tool/gdb
#4632 Error in rtems/thread.hpp with GCC 12 Chris Johns defect normal 6.1 lib
#4634 Fix hash for glib-2.48 defect normal 6.1 tool/rsb
#4635 untar on JFFS slow down Chris Johns <chrisj@…> defect normal 6.1 fs/jffs2
#4638 Error in imfs memfile when device is full Christian Mauderer defect normal Indefinite fs
#4639 Error in imfs memfile when device is full Christian Mauderer defect normal 6.1 fs
#4641 x86_64 elf_machdep header file missing body Ryan Long <ryan.long@…> defect normal 6.1 arch/x86_64
#4645 waf crashes when building PSXTESTS Sebastian Huber <sebastian.huber@…> defect normal admin
#4646 Control buildsets using the --with-* command line option Chris Johns enhancement normal 6.1 tool/rsb
#4649 tcpdump: Fix dumping to file and reading from file Sebastian Huber defect normal 5.2 network/libbsd
#4650 tcpdump: Fix dumping to file and reading from file (cloned) Sebastian Huber defect normal 6.1 network/libbsd
#4651 if_atsam: Fix checksum offload, add multicast and VLAN support Sebastian Huber defect normal 5.2 network/libbsd
#4652 if_atsam: Fix checksum offload, add multicast and VLAN support (cloned) Sebastian Huber defect normal 6.1 network/libbsd
#4653 pfctl: Fix global state initialization Sebastian Huber defect normal 5.2 network/libbsd
#4654 pfctl: Fix global state initialization (cloned) Sebastian Huber defect normal 6.1 network/libbsd
#4655 sync() whould synchronize all file descriptors Sebastian Huber defect normal 5.2 fs
#4656 sync() whould synchronize all file descriptors (cloned) Sebastian Huber defect normal 6.1 fs
#4657 Apple M1 hardware is not able to compile rtems toolchain while using RSB. defect normal admin
#4658 Fix build issue with riscv sample test defect normal 6.1 arch/riscv
#4660 Spike failing to build with RSB 5 on Ubuntu 21.04 Ryan Long <ryan.long@…> defect normal 5.1 tool/rsb
#4666 TFTP: Implement block and window size options Sebastian Huber enhancement normal 6.1 fs
#4667 include/sys/_bitset.h defines struct bitset, pollutes namespace Sebastian Huber defect normal 6.1 tool/newlib
#4668 Use thread-local storage in libstdc++ Sebastian Huber enhancement normal 6.1 tool/gcc
#4669 clock_nanosleep() uses the wrong clock to determine the start time point Sebastian Huber defect normal 6.1 score
#4670 Add option to build RTEMS with coverage instrumentation Sebastian Huber enhancement normal 6.1 test
#4672 Thread-local storage should be usable once an idle thread exists Sebastian Huber defect normal 6.1 score
#4673 Runtime loader exported symbols address size not consistent Ryan Long <ryan.long@…> defect normal 6.1 lib/dl
#4676 incorrect handling of "inactive_per_block" from "Objects_Information" structure Sebastian Huber defect normal 5.2 score
#4677 incorrect handling of "inactive_per_block" from "Objects_Information" structure (cloned) Sebastian Huber defect normal 6.1 score
#4678 System initialization time increased compared to RTEMS 4.11 Sebastian Huber defect normal 6.1 score
#4679 Use priority inheritance for thread join Sebastian Huber enhancement normal 6.1 score
#4680 POSIX tasks cancelled through rtems_task_delete() should have an exit value of PTHREAD_CANCELED Sebastian Huber enhancement normal 6.1 posix
#4682 Add AArch64 support to libdl Ryan Long <ryan.long@…> defect normal 6.1 lib/dl
#4684 Support Versal DDRMC0 regions 0 and 1 Chris Johns defect normal 6.1 bsps
#4686 Refactor shared code in Arm and AArch64 Ryan Long <ryan.long@…> defect normal 6.1 lib/dl
#4687 Documentation List for Releases Completely Missing 5.x Chris Johns defect normal 5.2 tool/website
#4689 mips/jmr3904 Massive Number of Test Failures Joel Sherrill <joel@…> defect normal 6.1 arch/mips
#4690 CLOCK_REALTIME thread queue not updated as part of clock_settime call Chris Johns <chrisj@…> defect normal 6.1 score
#4691 Add support for FACE Technical Standard Restriction on POSIX Absolute Timers Joel Sherrill enhancement normal 6.1 posix
#4692 Python 3.8 introduces new warning about using operator "is" with a literal Chris Johns enhancement normal 5.1 test
#4693 Remove ILP32 aarch64/xilinx_versal_* BSPs Chris Johns defect normal 6.1 arch/aarch64
#4700 Fix instances of "is" operator used with literals Ryan Long <ryan.long@…> defect normal 6.1 tool
#4701 Relocatable write data is placed in read-only region on some BSPs Sebastian Huber defect normal 6.1 bsps
#4703 NetSNMP Patch Chris Johns task normal 6.1 lib
#4704 Fix invalid RSB source URLs Chris Johns defect normal 5.2 tool/rsb
#4705 Installed header clean up Chris Johns defect normal 6.1 build
#4706 Installed header break C++ Chris Johns defect normal 6.1 rtems
#4709 Installed header break C++ Chris Johns defect normal 5.2 rtems
#4710 RSB does not expand dir type macros correctly Chris Johns defect normal 6.1 tool/rsb
#4711 RSB does not expand dir type macros correctly (cloned) Chris Johns defect normal 5.2 tool/rsb
#4712 powerpc: Add AltiVec VRSAVE support Sebastian Huber enhancement normal 6.1 arch/powerpc
#4713 Make pthread_atfork follow FACE Technical Standard Behavior for Single Process Environments Joel Sherrill defect normal 6.1 posix
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