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#4646 closed enhancement (fixed)

Control buildsets using the --with-* command line option

Reported by: Chris Johns Owned by: Chris Johns
Priority: normal Milestone: 6.1
Component: tool/rsb Version: 6
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Blocked By:


The following thread has raise an important issue on how we can test newer versions of tools. This ticket is about providing a solution:

The solution is allow users to specific a tool set on the command line for a build of tools. The standard option is --with-.*. For example a command line could be:

../source-builder/sb-set-builder \
    --prefix=/opt/rtems/6 \
    --log=arm.txt \
    --with-rtems-gcc=tools/rtems-gcc-head-newlib-head \

The buildset logic is to be changed to expand macros for buildset file names and to add a new buildset specific keyword %defineifnot. The tools default file becomes:

# Default tools configuration.
%include 6/rtems-base.bset

# Default RTEMS build. Override on the command line to the
# the RSB. For example to test the latest versino of gcc use:
#  --with-rtems-gcc=tools/rtems-gcc-head-newlib-head
%defineifnot with_rtems_dtc      devel/dtc-1.6.1-1
%defineifnot with_rtems_expat    devel/expat-2.4.8-1
%defineifnot with_rtems_gmp      devel/gmp-6.2.1
%defineifnot with_rtems_gdb      tools/rtems-gdb-11.2
%defineifnot with_rtems_binutils tools/rtems-binutils-2.38
%defineifnot with_rtems_gcc      tools/rtems-gcc-10-newlib-head
%defineifnot with_rtems_tools    tools/rtems-tools-6

# Build gdb first to raise the Python install error as early as
# possible.  GDB needs expat so it needs to be built before.

This approach lets cron based CI flows configure a build with the latest gcc, binutils etc so they can always be tested as a workflow.

The new keyword lets a define in a nested buildset file override a command line value. That may be needed.

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed on 05/05/22 at 22:03:49 by Chris Johns <chrisj@…>

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

In [changeset:"7d80719f7472debdf7d54a61f9ffc7fc31d57d13/rtems-source-builder" 7d80719/rtems-source-builder]:

sb/setbuilder: Control buildsets using the --with-* command line option

  • Expand macros in buildset file names
  • Add support to buildsets for %defineifnot
  • Update 6 and 7 to support command line build overrides

Closes #4646

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