Notice: We have migrated to GitLab launching 2024-05-01 see here:

Custom Query (26 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Component Version
#4993 Increase FD_SETSIZE to 256 assigned Joel Sherrill highest tool/newlib 6
#4072 testsuite: Add ticket ids for expected-fail and indeterminate states, add annotations assigned Chris Johns high test 6
#4695 Automatic version numbers in the documentation assigned Chris Johns high doc 6
#4760 RSB fatal error on missing hash checksums reopened Chris Johns high tool/rsb 6
#3230 RSB does not report --rsb-file for patches correctly. accepted Chris Johns normal tool/rsb 5
#4125 Update wiki pages to reference waf not autoconf based build assigned Joel Sherrill normal doc 6
#4292 rtems-rfs-bitmaps.c: Useless call (CID 1399749) assigned Chris Johns normal fs/rfs 6
#4364 rtems-test Fails to list failed tests to user assigned Chris Johns normal tool/rsb 6
#4510 Fix ILP32 multilib variant in newlib for AArch64 assigned Sebastian Huber normal arch/aarch64 6
#4547 dtc build failure on msys2 - all rtems6 target tools fail to build on Windows 10 assigned kgardas normal tool/rsb
#4675 sleep should be a thread cancellation point assigned Kinsey Moore normal posix 6
#4702 Fix warnings for indexing past array bounds (primarily validation tests) assigned Sebastian Huber normal rtems 6
#4736 RISC-V - ISR_stack allocation and usage by harts > CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_PROCESSORS assigned Hesham Almatary normal arch/riscv 5
#4768 Use tarballs for stable versions development tools reopened normal tool 6
#4826 Software Engineering Guide has broken Reference assigned Chris Johns normal doc
#4833 grlib/pci/grpci2dma.c Warnings Require Insight to Resolve Properly assigned Daniel Hellstrom normal arch/sparc 6
#4861 "Single HTML" links on lead to empty pages assigned Chris Johns normal tool/website
#4923 FPU context init/switch not working well on more than 2 tasks on Cortex-Mx/ARMv7-M platform accepted Cedric Berger normal arch/arm 6
#4956 Deadlock caused by locking inversion in JFFS2 assigned Kinsey Moore normal admin
#4957 spstdc17 warnings building i386/pc686 assigned normal test 6
#4961 Document and test CONFIGURE_JFFS2_DELAYED_WRITE_TASK_PRIORITY assigned Kinsey Moore normal fs/jffs2 6
#4962 MicroBlaze BSPs modify carry flag before MSR is saved assigned Alex White normal bsps 6
#4968 Python 3.12 fix escape sequences and remove SafeConfigParser assigned Chris Johns normal tool 6
#4991 RSB source and patch checksum updates assigned Chris Johns normal tool/rsb 6
#4997 GMP not building when not installed assigned joel normal tool/rsb 6
#5003 Make GCC ARM Cortex-A53 errata workarounds available assigned Sebastian Huber normal arch/aarch64 6
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.