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#4292 assigned defect

rtems-rfs-bitmaps.c: Useless call (CID 1399749)

Reported by: Joel Sherrill Owned by: Chris Johns
Priority: normal Milestone: 6.1
Component: fs/rfs Version: 6
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Blocked By:


Coverity Scan spotted this in rtems-rfs-bitmaps.c as CID 1399749). On the face of it, Scan appears to be correct but this issue should be reviewed by the original author of this code.

623    else
624    {
625      bits      = *map;
626      available = rtems_rfs_bitmap_element_bits ();
627    }
629    if (rtems_rfs_bitmap_match (bits, RTEMS_RFS_BITMAP_ELEMENT_SET))
CID 1399749 (#1 of 1): Useless call (USELESS_CALL)
side_effect_free: Calling rtems_rfs_bitmap_set(*search_map, bit) is only useful for its return value, which is ignored. [show details]
630      rtems_rfs_bitmap_set (*search_map, bit);
631    else
632    {

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed on 03/03/21 at 21:04:21 by Joel Sherrill

Owner: set to Chris Johns
Status: newassigned
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