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Version 2 (modified by JoelSherrill, on 01/23/10 at 03:13:18) (diff)

/* Building The Kit */ Add do_it details


January 2010 Blog Post:

CVS Module: rtems-graphics-toolkit

The RTEMS Graphics Toolkit include

Microwindows/Nano?-X may be built using the kit but you must download that separately from their GIT Repository

The following packages are included but not currently ported:

We need nxlib from Microwindows to build fltk. This will require us creating a small kit of X11 .h files and fonts so nxlib will build and run. Then fltk should just build and work.

Building The Kit

Use the script "do_it" in the top directory. It tries to build every currently support component for a specific BSP and install it with as little user intervention as possible. This is its help:

$ ./do_it -?
./do_it: illegal option -- ?
do_it [options]
  -A - build and install all libraries
  -j - build JPEG support (default=no)
  -p - build PNG support (default=no)
  -t - build TIFF support (default=no)
  -1 - build Adobe Type 1 font support (default=no)
  -T - build Truetype font support (default=no)
  -n - build Microwindows/Nano-X support (default=no)
  -f - build FLTK support (default=no)
  -c - clean after building (default=no)
  -v - verbose

  + Use of each option toggles the setting.  For example, \"-v -v -A -1\"
    results in verbose=no and all steps done except Type 1 fonts.
  + RTEMS_MAKEFILE_PATH must be set.
  + By default, nothing is built.

A sample invocation is shown below:

RTEMS_MAKEFILE_PATH=/home/joel/rtems-4.10-work/bsp-install/i386-rtems4.10/pc386/ ./do_it -A

Component Details

The RTEMS Graphics Toolkit has a variety of components in various states of usability on RTEMS. For each component, there is a section following with details on:

  • Source: the version
  • Origin: Where did it come from?
  • Included in kit source: Is it in our CVS module or do you fetch it separately.
  • Status: Status of RTEMS support.

JPEG Graphics Support

Source: libjpeg v7 in Kit


Included in kit source: Yes.

Status: Working. Built by do_it

TIFF Graphics Support

Source: libtiff v3.6.2


Included in kit source: Yes.

Status: Working. Built by do_it

PNG Graphics Support

Source: libpng 1.2.42


Included in kit source: Yes.

Status: Working. Built by do_it

Freetype Library

Source: libfreetype 2.3.11


Included in kit source: Yes.

Status: Working. Built by do_it

Adobe Type 1 Font Support

Source: libt1 5.1.2


Included in kit source: Yes.

Status: Working. Built by do_it


Source: microwin HEAD


Included in kit source: Not currently. Fetch from their git repository.

Status: Working. Built by do_it


Source: not yet

Origin: TBD

Included in kit source: Not currently. Will be when implemented.

Status: Needs to be built.

This will contain the X11 header files and fonts needed by nxlib and fltk. It is a prerequisite for supporting those.


Source: nxlib HEAD


Included in kit source: Not currently. Fetch from their git repository.

Status: Not building. Needs "RTEMS X11 Kit"

MMap Kit

Source: mmap_kit directory

Origin: RTEMS Project

Included in kit source: Yes.

Status: Needs work.

The purpose of this package is to provide implementations of sys/mman.h and other things required by svgalib. When working, these can be merged into RTEMS proper and this component deleted.

SVGA Library

Source: svgalib 1.4.3


Included in kit source: Yes.

Status: Needs work.

We have added a Makefile.rtems and instructions. It needs work and supporting methods and .h files which are being added to mmap_kit. The goal is to minimize modifications to this package.

We need this to have better video drivers. The pc386 video frame buffer driver is 16 color 640x480 VGA. It also looks like this can be built for other architectures.


Source: fltk 1.1.10


Included in kit source: Yes.

Status: Pending port of nxlib

This includes a GUI builder and widgets. This is the real baseline for building a GUI application.

Attachments (2)

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