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RTEMS Summer Of Code 2009

This was the second year the RTEMS Project participated in the Google Summer of Code. We were fortunate enough to have been allocated six students from Google and have OAR Corporation contribute to the sponsorship of a seventh. All seven of them successfully completed their project. As mentors and as a project, we learned a lot from our GSOC 2008 experience and I think the students benefited. As I write this, we are preparing for GSOC 2010 and I can see how much better we did for our students in 2009 than in the previous year. We also had involvement from two other FOSS projects: Eric Weddington of the Atmel AVR Tools community and Roxana Leontie's work required submission to both the RTEMS and Microwindows/Nano?-X projects.

For 2009, I wrote a Wrapup Report which I did not do in 2008. I am very happy I did. :)

--Dr. Joel? 00:30, 7 February 2010 (UTC)

Students Proposals

The following table is a list of the proposals and projects for 2009. It is interesting that we had fewer proposals but a higher success rate. The addition of having the students run and modify hello world for RTEMS was a big advance. It ensured students were ready from day one. One student submitted patches before his proposal was accepted.

{| border="1" style="margin: 1em auto 1em auto;text-align: center;" |+

|Student |Cocan Lucian Marius
Completed Hello IRC Handle Proposal Title Google Docs URL
Yes cocan RunTime Tracing Proposal


| Aanjhan Ranganathan
Yes tuxmaniac MMU Support in RTEMS Google Docs link


| Santosh G Vattam
Yes drhouse Coverage Analysis - RTEMS Testing Proposal


| Roxana Leontie
Yes roxanal Nano-X/MicroWindows for RTEMS Proposal


| Volkov Konstantin Valerevich
Yes kv_WilsonMD Configuration GUI Proposal


| Zhang Wenjie
Yes zwj RTEMS Sequenced Initialization and RTEMS System Events Proposal


| Xi Yang
Yes yangxi RTEMS BSP, Automatic Testing Framework And Nano-X For Skyeye PXA255 And EP9312 Targets


| JiSheng? Zhang
Yes absabs Dynamic Object File Loading Proposal


|Josh Switnicki
Yes switnick TinyRTEMS Proposal

