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Version 16 (modified by Gedare, on 02/13/12 at 04:39:14) (diff)


Table of Contents

    Error: Page Projects/Hypervisor does not exist

This project is just an idea at this point. You can make of it what you will. Be creative. Some ideas are captured here. No idea is more important than the others.

Tailoring RTEMS to support hypervisor/virtual machine

See RTEMS Paravirtualization? for a more complete write-up of this project idea.


I am VERY fond of the idea of a free hypervisor that provides the real-time features required by ARINC 653. --Dr. Joel? 23:18, 25 January 2010 (UTC).

The implementation of ARINC 653 interface in RTEMS was studied as part of a ESA project named AIR. This study was developed to "study of how the Real-Time Executive for Multiprocessor Systems (RTEMS) can be adapted to fullfill the requirements defined in the ARINC 653 standard". The project provided a proof of concept of the ARINC 553 implementation. The project page can be found here. The final report can be found here. "This document: (i) describes the main issues regarding the AIR architecture specification;(ii) addresses how space and time partitioning could be provided in an abstract processor infrastructure, as well as those requirements can be mapped into both SPARC ERC32/LEON and Intel IA-32 (80x86) architectures;(iii) describes how to achieve the mapping of the ARINC 653 service interface in RTEMS;(iv) identifies the most relevant module dependencies of RTEMS with regard to AIR implementations;(v) identifies a preliminary set of modifications to be introduced in the RTEMS application production chain for the implementation of AIR-based systems (exemplified through a proof of concept prototype)." Quoted from . -- cdcs

This project would really use the integration of RTEMS into IMA architectures and would enable the design of ARINC653 systems with inter-partitions services. See the project pages for ARINC653 compatibility layer? and ARINC653 virtual machine?.


RTEMS has been run on the L4 hypervisor so that should be a strong foundation for some types of hypervisor work.

RTEMS Virtual Machine Monitor

Status: No active volunteers.

RTEMS based RT-VMM (Real-Time Virtual Machine Monitor). Current RTEMS can not support to run another OS (such as Linux or uClinux). We want to add hypervisor (or Virtual Machine Monitor) function on RTEMS, then RTEMS has the power like XEN that can run Linux or other OS, but RTEMS also maintain original hard Real-Time funtions. First, we will try to make RTEMS run uClinux on ARM simulator SkyEye? ( ), then we will try to make RTEMS run ARM Linux on XSCALE CPU based board or SkyEye? simulator. We consider virtualization techs on Embedded RTOS area has potential value. (from chyyuu@…)