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21:09 SOCIS/2016 edited by Saeed Ehteshamifar
21:05 SOCIS/2016 edited by Saeed Ehteshamifar
12:24 Ticket #2781 (Information about network protocols) created by MisH
Hi, At the moment i do a research for my company, in terms of rtos for …


03:45 Ticket #2780 (Capture engine accesses 'capture_per_cpu' without first checking.) created by Chris Johns
The capture does not check if an open has created the capture_per_cpu …


05:58 Ticket #2704 (Weak symbols not found by loaded code) closed by Chris Johns <chrisj@…>
fixed: In [changeset:"ef4a46e0293111361c970a287c29a185905121b2/rtems-tools"]: […]


15:02 SOCIS/2016 edited by Saeed Ehteshamifar
14:53 SOCIS/2016 edited by Saeed Ehteshamifar
14:49 SOCIS/2016 edited by Saeed Ehteshamifar


08:51 Ticket #2779 (building rtems-4.10 using rsb 4.12 (git upstream) fails due to several ...) created by Christian Spindeldreier
Building rtems-4.10 using the rtems-source-builder upstream version …
01:14 Ticket #2775 (ARM CP15 arm_cp15_set_translation_table_entries fails if TTB in ...) closed by Chris Johns <chrisj@…>
fixed: In [changeset:"89a319a0f8bb9374e5a23358b266db3745268a3a/rtems"]: […]


09:00 GSoC/2016 edited by Wonjun Hwang


06:48 Ticket #2778 (Error building RTEMS Source Builder recipe for libxml) created by Sambeet Panigrahi
I wrote the three essential files for cross build of libxml for RTEMS, …


14:06 SOCIS/2016 edited by Saeed Ehteshamifar
07:34 Ticket #2775 (ARM CP15 arm_cp15_set_translation_table_entries fails if TTB in ...) reopened by Sebastian Huber
This change breaks a lot of ARM BSPs since bsp_translation_table_end is not defined.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.