Notice: We have migrated to GitLab launching 2024-05-01 see here:



06:17 Ticket #1504 (Infinite loop on example) closed by Chris Johns


22:57 Ticket #1493 (IMFS lseek extends file on seek past end) closed by Chris Johns
duplicate: The existing bug has code.
22:56 Ticket #1494 (DOSFS lseek extends file on seek past end) closed by Chris Johns
duplicate: The existing bug has code.
21:54 TBR/Website/Export_Control edited by Markjohannes
/* EXPORT COMPLIANCE/CUSTOMS INFORMATION */ changed is subject to => may be subject to (diff)
20:21 TBR/Website/Export_Control edited by JoelSherrill
Unprotected "Export Control" (diff)
13:39 Ticket #1505 (type in rtems_libio_is_valid_perms) created by Nickolay Semyonov-Kolchin
rtems_libio_is_valid_perms is defined as: #define …


00:19 Ticket #1504 (Infinite loop on example) created by Alin Rus
The example in the following url is flawed …


07:53 Ticket #1503 (Problems building with POSIX support) closed by M. Munoz
fixed: I've installed the CentOS5 RPMs and they work perfectly. They have a couple of dependencies from older libraries that had to be downloaded independently, but they were easy to find. Thanks a lot!


12:48 Ticket #1503 (Problems building with POSIX support) created by M. Munoz
Hello, I've downloaded RTEMS from CVS today and I've had some trouble …


04:38 Ticket #1502 (RFS not 16bit clean on AVR) closed by Chris Johns
fixed: Patch committed to CVS.


23:47 Ticket #1502 (RFS not 16bit clean on AVR) created by Chris Johns
Reported by Ralf on the SC list the AVR is showing these warnings: …
02:06 Developer/IRC edited by ChrisJohns
/* Logs */ (diff)
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.