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21:07 Ticket #4959 (rtems-test tftp does not a session timeout) closed by Chris Johns <chrisj@…>
fixed: In [changeset:"a22b396a32f1f1ce9b2d7c2c51dd9ea4d6db12fe/rtems-tools" a22b396/rtems-tools]: […]
21:06 Ticket #4964 (rtems-test can hang indefinitely) closed by Chris Johns
duplicate: This is a duplicate of #4959
15:20 Ticket #4964 (rtems-test can hang indefinitely) created by Kinsey Moore
When using the RTEMS automated tester configured with TFTP, there is a …


06:53 Ticket #4963 (New build configuration option RTEMS_QUALIFIED) created by Sebastian Huber
The goal of the RTEMS pre-qualification activity #3701 is a specified …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.