Notice: We have migrated to GitLab launching 2024-05-01 see here:



21:37 Ticket #2578 (rtems-tools configure fails for Cxc builds) closed by Chris Johns
wontfix: I am going to close this ticket. We are now building Windows tools on Windows so the need for Cxc build is not as important as it was. Building on Windows ensures we have the correct DLL set for the tools.
21:18 Ticket #3278 (bsp-builder has incorrect print (%s in output)) created by Joel Sherrill
I don't think the tools have branches so only impacts master. Notice …
13:54 Ticket #3277 (QorIQ: Add MAC-less DPAA driver to libbsd) created by Sebastian Huber
The SDK Linux DPAA driver supports a so called MAC-less interface …


14:17 GSoC/2018 edited by Vidushi Vashishth
13:44 GSoC/2018 edited by Amaan Cheval
11:32 Ticket #3268 (PowerPC BSP include naming mess.) closed by Sebastian Huber
fixed: This problem was fixed by [d898f6e18ec2e84977edb5024052ecca64cf39f3/rtems].
06:39 Ticket #3276 (rtems-test: Add option to consume a log file and generate a report for it) created by Sebastian Huber
The RTEMS Tester works quite well if it can run the tests step by …


02:44 Ticket #3275 (RSB do not build the kernel when released.) closed by Chris Johns <chrisj@…>
fixed: In [changeset:"49033ffc66f75d10ba47df166be77827d0069b56/rtems-source-builder" 49033ff/rtems-source-builder]: […]
02:19 Ticket #3274 (RSB remove unused tool configuration files.) closed by Chris Johns


18:12 GSoC/2018 edited by Anshuman Chhabra
03:47 Ticket #3275 (RSB do not build the kernel when released.) created by Chris Johns
Do not build the RTEMS kernel by default when released.
03:10 Ticket #3274 (RSB remove unused tool configuration files.) created by Chris Johns
Remove and clean up the configuration files that are not used on the …
02:53 Ticket #3273 (RSB removed used tools configuration files.) created by Chris Johns
Remove and clean up the configuration files that are not used any more.


07:07 Ticket #3272 (Avoid using in rtems source builder (4.10)) created by mholm
The website has been reorganised and RSB should be …


20:33 GSoC/Mentors edited by Christian Mauderer


21:01 Release/4.10 edited by Gedare Bloom
Update 4.10.3 changes. (diff)
20:06 Release/4.10 edited by Gedare Bloom
Add 1964 to 4.10.3 changes. (diff)
09:46 Ticket #3271 (Avoid using in rtems source builder) created by mholm
The website is used to download e.g. mpc in many of …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.