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#4994 closed defect (fixed)

Documentation Sphinx theme broken for HTML

Reported by: Chris Johns Owned by: Chris Johns
Priority: normal Milestone: 6.1
Component: doc Version: 6
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Blocked By:


The theme in rtems-docs.git breaks with newer versions of sphinx-build.

Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed on 02/21/24 at 05:29:03 by Amar Takhar

Are you going to fix this?

Also you didn't mention which version of Sphinx. Which one?

comment:2 Changed on 02/21/24 at 16:54:08 by Chris Johns <chrisj@…>

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

In [changeset:"204ac80935eb82f7b32603f63a12b7f0651a17e6/rtems-docs" 204ac80/rtems-docs]:

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