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#4873 closed defect (duplicate)

Registers definitions wrongly defined when there are reserved bits

Reported by: Daniel Páscoa Owned by:
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: admin Version:
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Blocked By:


With respect to RTEMS 6 (ESA-promoted RTEMS SMP Qualification Data Pack release 3), the following issues are observed:

bsps\include\grlib\ftmctrl-regs.h84; 86; 88; 91; 96; 98; 101; 106; 109; 115; 120; 123According to table 365 of page 294 of the GR740 User Manual (v.2.50), the register addresses are incorrectly defined.
bsps\include\grlib\grgpio-regs.h225According to table 406 of page 319 of the GR740 User Manual (v.2,50), the register address is incorrect;
bsps\include\grlib\dsu4-regs.h435According to table 538 of page 403 of the GR740 User Manual (v.2.5), the register address is incorrect according to the table but it is correct according to the table description.
bsps\include\grlib\gr1553b-regs.h609According to table 327 of page 259 of the GR740 User Manual (v.2.50), the register address is incorrect according to the table but it is correct according to the table description.
bsps\include\grlib\spwpnp-regs.h151According to table 213 of page 200 of the GR740 User Manual (v.2.5), the register address is incorrect according to the table but it is correct according to the table description.
bsps\include\grlib\spwrmap-regs.h575; 591; 715; 787; 809According to tables 191, 192, 199, 201, 202, respectively (to each identified line) starting on page 192 of the GR740 User Manual (v.2.5), the register addresses are incorrect according to the table but are correct according to the table description.

It seems that the generation of these registers definitions leads to incorrect bit definitions whenever there are reserved bits specified in the Gaisler User Manual.

Can you please double-check these cases?

Additional Notes:

This ticket was raised as an outcome of the Independent SW Verification and Validation (ISVV) for ESA-promoted RTEMS SMP Qualification Data Packs ( The original ISVV reference for this issue is RTEMS-SMP-CODE-VER-014.

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed on 03/09/23 at 12:34:47 by Daniel Páscoa

Resolution: duplicate
Status: newclosed

Wrong ticket raised.

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