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#4834 closed defect (fixed)

close_editor problem of RTEMS4.13/5.1 (cloned)

Reported by: chenjin_zhong Owned by: Chris Johns
Priority: normal Milestone: 6.1
Component: shell Version: 6
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Blocked By:


Cloned from #4564:

Hi, I find when close editor in shell console.some errors will occur. I check and analyse the source code of medit.c. the code fragment is listed as follows.

#if defined(rtems)

case ctrl('w'): ed = ed->env->current; close_editor(ed); break;


case ctrl('w'): close_editor(ed); ed = ed->env->current; break;


static void close_editor(struct editor *ed) {

struct env *env = ed->env;
if (ed->dirty) {

display_message(ed, "Close %s without saving changes (y/n)? ", ed->filename);
if (!ask()) {

ed->refresh = 1;




ed = env->current;
if (!ed) {

ed = create_editor(env);
new_file(ed, "");

ed->refresh = 1;


static void delete_editor(struct editor *ed) {

if (ed->next == ed) {

ed->env->current = NULL;

} else {

ed->env->current = ed->prev;

ed->next->prev = ed->prev;
ed->prev->next = ed->next;
if (ed->start) free(ed->start);




as seen above, if the macro rtems is defined. the delete_editor function will free ed pointer. Therefore, after the next loop, the ed is an invalid pointer.I have checked the code of the code is as follows.

case ctrl('w'): close_editor(ed); ed = ed->env->current; break;

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed on 01/31/23 at 05:17:32 by Chris Johns <chrisj@…>

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

In [changeset:"3ad2789fc68308a48119d736c89c93f493d18013/rtems" 3ad2789/rtems]:

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