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#4197 closed defect (fixed)

testsuite: ts-validation-0 broken on AArch64 due to SIZE_MAX issues in the test design

Reported by: Kinsey Moore Owned by:
Priority: normal Milestone: 6.1
Component: arch/aarch64 Version: 6
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Blocked By:


The ts-validation-0 test is broken on AArch64 LP64 ABI due to issues with unexpected values of SIZE_MAX. I was not familiar enough with the test architecture in use to debug it properly. This test passes under the ILP32 ABI due to the 32bit pointers and differing value of SIZE_MAX.

Change History (4)

comment:1 Changed on 02/15/21 at 06:51:39 by Chris Johns

Which test architecture are you referring too?

comment:2 Changed on 02/15/21 at 09:36:48 by Sebastian Huber

This is a general 64-bit issue.

comment:3 Changed on 02/15/21 at 14:39:48 by Kinsey Moore

We actually found some time to dive into this recently and, as expected, it's just a one-line tweak to fix it. I'll post a patch shortly.

The test architecture I'm referring to is how the validation test sets up a large battery of repetitive checks.

comment:4 Changed on 03/04/21 at 08:12:53 by Sebastian Huber

Milestone: 6.1
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
Version: 6
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