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#3882 closed enhancement (fixed)

Add POSIX user environment pointer to TCB

Reported by: Sebastian Huber Owned by: Sebastian Huber
Priority: normal Milestone: 5.1
Component: posix Version: 5
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Blocked By:


The IO library uses a POSIX key to store an optional POSIX user environment pointer. This pulls in the POSIX keys support in every application configuration. Add a user environment pointer to the thread control block (TCB) instead. Applications which do not need the POSIX user environment will just get an overhead of one pointer per thread.

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed on 02/25/20 at 11:33:17 by Sebastian Huber <sebastian.huber@…>

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

In [changeset:"ba74ebde7461b28bf0261523d4e91e7c0e17b622/rtems" ba74ebde/rtems]:

libio: Add POSIX user environment pointer to TCB

The IO library used a POSIX key to store an optional POSIX user
environment pointer. This pulled in the POSIX keys support in every
application configuration. Add a user environment pointer to the thread
control block (TCB) instead. Applications which do not need the POSIX
user environment will just get an overhead of one pointer per thread.

Close #3882.

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