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#3649 closed infra (fixed)

Error with IRC anouncing in examples-v2 commits.

Reported by: Joel Sherrill Owned by: Amar Takhar
Priority: normal Milestone: 5.1
Component: admin Version:
Severity: normal Keywords: git, hooks
Cc: Blocked By:


remote: 1: mail 
remote: 2: update github 
remote: 4: IRC 
remote: usage: <file with rev-list> <repo name without .git> 
remote: 5: Buildbot
To ssh://
   ced6542..276a025  am -> master 

Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed on 12/09/18 at 23:35:56 by Chris Johns

I suggest comparing the post commit hook in the hooks directory in the exmaples-v2 repo on with another working repo to see if something needs to be updated.

comment:2 Changed on 02/13/19 at 20:02:19 by Amar Takhar

Status: assignedaccepted

This should have been fixed when I redid all the hooks I have not heard any complaints since then.

comment:3 Changed on 02/13/19 at 20:02:31 by Amar Takhar

Resolution: fixed
Status: acceptedclosed

Re-open if it's still an issue.

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