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#3202 closed defect (fixed)

or1k tools build error

Reported by: Joel Sherrill Owned by: Joel Sherrill <joel@…>
Priority: normal Milestone: 5.1
Component: arch/or1k Version: 5
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Blocked By:

Description (last modified by Joel Sherrill)

I assume this is a side-effect of recent checksum changes. Otherwise, there is a serious problem.

ownload: (full) -> patches/gdb-7.11-sis-leon2-leon3.diff
download: -> patches/gdb-7.11-sis-leon2-leon3.diff
checksums: gdb-7.11-sis-leon2-leon3.diff: 0b8b2a23c7d1592315fe0130188f457c80f8b1e26645535bed091a5e0671682dc44a1987d00e6939a1b1c562c7579404db43183e666c29c2b479446aa61ca4f6 => 4c44afec9c00a45b9322d787da3796f3294f207ddae9fe9faab3327b6991ac75
warning: checksum error: gdb-7.11-sis-leon2-leon3.diff
error: checksum failure file: patches/gdb-7.11-sis-leon2-leon3.diff

Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed on 10/23/17 at 14:25:04 by Joel Sherrill

Description: modified (diff)

comment:2 Changed on 10/23/17 at 16:18:07 by Joel Sherrill <joel@…>

Owner: set to Joel Sherrill <joel@…>
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

In [changeset:"5295cb8a2d8d46b8477c173ce7f1d8750da8daf0/rtems-source-builder" 5295cb8/rtems-source-builder]:

rtems-gdb-7.11-1.cfg: Correct sha512sum on gdb-7.11-sis-leon2-leon3.diff

Closes #3202.

comment:3 Changed on 11/09/17 at 06:27:14 by Sebastian Huber


Milestone renamed

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