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#2639 closed defect (duplicate)

RSB long path support on Windows is still broken.

Reported by: Chris Johns Owned by: Chris Johns
Priority: high Milestone: 4.11.3
Component: tool/rsb Version: 4.11
Severity: normal Keywords: RSB 4.11.0-RC2
Cc: Blocked By:


Long path support on Windows requires the use of Unicode paths. The current path is not Unicode and some paths in C++ can be longer than 255 character when building the release candidates using the standard paths in the releases.

The solution is to change so it's host call returns a Unicode string. The also requires changes to the macro key logic to convert any unicode string to an ascii string, all macro keys are ascii. Also the execute module needs to better manage Unicode strings.

Change History (5)

comment:1 Changed on 03/14/16 at 04:26:04 by Chris Johns

Status: newaccepted

comment:2 Changed on 01/26/17 at 07:05:05 by Sebastian Huber


comment:3 Changed on 03/21/17 at 03:15:23 by Chris Johns

This is a major change and I do not think it is suitable for a release branch. This change should only happen on master.

comment:4 Changed on 03/23/17 at 01:03:28 by Chris Johns


The 4.11.2 milestone is closing.

comment:5 Changed on 04/22/17 at 22:25:30 by Chris Johns

Resolution: duplicate
Status: acceptedclosed

Closing this ticket as #2992 has more details.

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