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#2598 assigned defect

generic_or1k doesn't properly initalize the CPU/System

Reported by: Jakob Viketoft Owned by: Needs Funding
Priority: normal Milestone: Indefinite
Component: bsps Version: 4.11
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Blocked By:


The start.S file doesn't put the CPU/System into a known state at boot (as it should) and subsequent loads of applications require power cycling to start properly. Both the start.S file in generic_or1k and the entangled or1k-exception-handler-low.S in cpukit use hardcoded values for registers and their bits, making the assembly code unnecessarily hard to decipher.

Change History (4)

comment:1 Changed on 02/20/16 at 21:40:56 by Jakob Viketoft

There is also no information readily available as to what exception has been hit if there's no specific handler installed for that exception. It should at least print the exception number and (when enabled) the exception stack frame.

comment:2 Changed on 02/20/16 at 22:20:22 by Gedare Bloom

Version: 4.104.11

comment:3 Changed on 01/26/17 at 07:16:00 by Sebastian Huber


comment:4 Changed on 02/15/17 at 13:37:51 by Sebastian Huber

Milestone: 4.11.2Indefinite
Owner: set to Needs Funding
Status: newassigned
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