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#2529 closed enhancement (fixed)

BSP for the Atmel SAM V71/V70/E70/S70 chip platform

Reported by: Sebastian Huber Owned by: Sebastian Huber
Priority: normal Milestone: 5.1
Component: arch/arm Version: 5
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Blocked By:

Change History (5)

comment:1 Changed on 01/19/16 at 07:38:47 by Sebastian Huber <sebastian.huber@…>

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

In [changeset:"f2e0f8e1a769231257f38a6bb6ab9ea9bbad452f/rtems"]:

bsp/atsam: New

Close #2529.

comment:2 Changed on 01/19/16 at 07:48:01 by Sebastian Huber

All tests except sp71 passed at version [f2e0f8e1a769231257f38a6bb6ab9ea9bbad452f/rtems] on a Atmel SAM V71 Xplained Ultra evaluation board running form 2MiB external SDRAM. sp71 uses more than 2MiB of memory. paranoia reported several flaws and errors which is expected due to the lacking support for subnormal numbers in the FPU.

comment:3 Changed on 05/11/17 at 07:31:02 by Sebastian Huber


comment:4 Changed on 10/10/17 at 06:54:12 by Sebastian Huber

Component: bspsarch/arm

comment:5 Changed on 11/09/17 at 06:27:14 by Sebastian Huber


Milestone renamed

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