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#2476 closed defect (fixed)

HELP: Trac thinks I'm a spammer

Reported by: Goetz Pfeiffer Owned by: Amar Takhar
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: admin Version:
Severity: major Keywords: trac bug tracker spam filter
Cc: Blocked By:


Hello, I can no longer modify my ticket from my desktop PC because trac thinks my PC ( is a spammer. Yesterday trac presented my a "capture" image and I may have given the wrong answer. Now I no longer can use my PC to append to my trac ticket. Could you please change your anti-spam configuration in trac to be less unforgiving ?

Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed on 11/25/15 at 13:03:53 by Gedare Bloom

Owner: set to Amar Takhar
Status: newassigned

comment:2 Changed on 01/12/16 at 10:05:06 by Goetz Pfeiffer

Component: Generaladmin
Severity: normalmajor

2016-01-12 Trac still thinks I'm a spammer. Today the system showed me captures and I'm sure I replied correctly but it still rejected my new trac report.
Could you please remove me (host:, trac account: goetzpf) from you spam list ?

comment:3 Changed on 01/12/16 at 12:28:42 by Amar Takhar

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

For future reference any RTEMS developer can fix this by going to:

  2. Add username in Subject: at the top
  3. Giving user the 'NOTSPAM' permission

I have fixed this now, apologies for the delay this ticket slipped my mind.

Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets.