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#2041 closed defect (fixed)

sparc64: vector number not included in CPU_Interrupt_frame

Reported by: Gedare Bloom Owned by: Gedare Bloom
Priority: normal Milestone: 4.11
Component: bsps Version: 4.11
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Blocked By:


The trap vector number field is not defined for the CPU_Interrupt_frame in sparc64. The vector is written by assembly, and space is reserved for it, so the interrupt frame is not consistent between C and assembly.

Attachments (1)

0001-sparc64-add-trap-vector-to-CPU_Interrupt_frame-and-f.patch (2.3 KB) - added by Gedare Bloom on 03/14/12 at 16:01:15.
Patch fixing bug.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (3)

Changed on 03/14/12 at 16:01:15 by Gedare Bloom

Patch fixing bug.

comment:1 Changed on 03/14/12 at 16:09:11 by Gedare Bloom

Owner: changed from Joel Sherrill to Gedare Bloom
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Fixed on head.

comment:2 Changed on 11/24/14 at 18:58:28 by Gedare Bloom

Version: HEAD4.11

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