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#1708 closed defect (fixed)

Most POSIX tests disabled by autoconf

Reported by: Joel Sherrill Owned by: Ralf Corsepius
Priority: normal Milestone: 4.11
Component: build Version: 4.11
Severity: critical Keywords:
Cc: Blocked By:


I was merging the new pthread attr tests when I noticed that a large portion of the POSIX tests are not built. Apparently the HAS_POSIX automake macro is not
getting tripped. So all of these tests are not getting built:

SUBDIRS += psxhdrs psx01 psx02 psx03 psx04 psx05 psx06 psx07 psx08 psx09 \

psx10 psx11 psx12 psx13 psx14 psx15 psxaio01 psxaio02 psxalarm01 \
psxautoinit01 psxautoinit02 psxbarrier01 \
psxcancel psxcancel01 psxcleanup psxcleanup01 \
psxcond01 psxenosys psxkey01 psxkey02 psxkey03 \
psxitimer psxmsgq01 psxmsgq02 psxmsgq03 psxmsgq04 \
psxmutexattr01 psxobj01 psxrwlock01 psxsem01 psxsignal01 psxsignal02 \
psxsignal03 psxsignal04 psxsignal05 psxspin01 psxspin02 psxsysconf \
psxtime psxtimer01 psxtimer02 psxualarm psxusleep psxfatal01 psxfatal02 \
psxintrcritical01 psxstack01


In psxtests/config.log, I see this:


So it is disabled even though the configure was:

../rtems/configure --target=powerpc-rtems4.11 --prefix=/home/joel/rtems-4.11-work/bsp-install/ --disable-multiprocessing --enable-smp --disable-cxx --disable-rdbg --enable-maintainer-mode --enable-tests --enable-networking --enable-shttpd --enable-posix --disable-itron --disable-deprecated --disable-ada --disable-expada --enable-rtemsbsp=psim CLOCK_DRIVER_USE_FAST_IDLE=0

Attachments (1)

logs.tar.bz2 (26.8 KB) - added by Joel Sherrill on 10/01/10 at 14:33:25.
All logs generated during build.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (4)

Changed on 10/01/10 at 14:33:25 by Joel Sherrill

Attachment: logs.tar.bz2 added

All logs generated during build.

comment:1 Changed on 10/01/10 at 16:03:50 by Ralf Corsepius

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

comment:2 Changed on 10/01/10 at 16:45:59 by Joel Sherrill

Works for me.

comment:3 Changed on 11/24/14 at 18:58:28 by Gedare Bloom

Version: HEAD4.11

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