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#1529 closed defect (fixed)

utime implementation not fully following the POSIX spec

Reported by: Vinu Rajashekhar Owned by: Chris Johns
Priority: normal Milestone: 4.10
Component: score Version: 4.10
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: joel.sherrill@…, chrisj@…, vinutheraj@… Blocked By:


The utime implementation in cpukit/libcsupport/src/utime.c is not fully following the POSIX spec. The spec at says that "If times is a null pointer, the access and modification times of the file shall be set to the current time.". This part of the spec is not being followed currently by the RTEMS utime implementation.

Also note that another part of the spec says that "Upon successful completion, utime() shall mark the time of the last file status change, st_ctime, to be updated". This is followed by RFS, but not by IMFS. The concerned file is imfs_utime.c

Attachments (3)

utime.diff (715 bytes) - added by Vinu Rajashekhar on 05/23/10 at 11:09:31.
Patch for utime.c
imfs_utime.diff (304 bytes) - added by Vinu Rajashekhar on 05/23/10 at 11:17:05.
Patch for imfs_utime.c
ChangeLog-utime (291 bytes) - added by Vinu Rajashekhar on 06/18/10 at 09:31:36.
Combined ChangeLog? for the patches

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (7)

Changed on 05/23/10 at 11:09:31 by Vinu Rajashekhar

Attachment: utime.diff added

Patch for utime.c

comment:1 Changed on 05/23/10 at 11:10:59 by Vinu Rajashekhar

Cc: Vinu Rajashekhar added

Changed on 05/23/10 at 11:17:05 by Vinu Rajashekhar

Attachment: imfs_utime.diff added

Patch for imfs_utime.c

comment:2 Changed on 06/16/10 at 18:19:29 by Joel Sherrill

Owner: changed from Joel Sherrill to Chris Johns

comment:3 Changed on 06/17/10 at 00:27:16 by Chris Johns

Status: newassigned

Changed on 06/18/10 at 09:31:36 by Vinu Rajashekhar

Attachment: ChangeLog-utime added

Combined ChangeLog? for the patches

comment:4 Changed on 07/01/10 at 15:29:33 by Joel Sherrill

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed,

Committed. Thanks.

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