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#1192 closed defect (fixed)

create_disk_entry to work with major device > 32.

Reported by: brett.swimley Owned by: Joel Sherrill
Priority: normal Milestone: 4.7
Component: fs Version: 4.7
Severity: minor Keywords:
Cc: chrisj@…, hnhawk@… Blocked By:


The function create_disk_entry will reallocate memory to change the size of the disk_device_table if the size is greater than the current size (default 32). However, the "disktab" pointer is not updated to point to the newly reallocated memory.

I will attach a patch to correct this.

Attachments (1)

diskdevs.c.diff (627 bytes) - added by brett.swimley on 12/13/06 at 15:36:24.
Patch to allow major device numbers > 32 to work correctly.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (5)

Changed on 12/13/06 at 15:36:24 by brett.swimley

Attachment: diskdevs.c.diff added

Patch to allow major device numbers > 32 to work correctly.

comment:1 Changed on 08/06/08 at 03:18:01 by Chris Johns

Cc: Chris Johns added
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

comment:2 Changed on 08/06/08 at 03:49:49 by Chris Johns

Cc: hnhawk added

comment:3 Changed on 08/06/08 at 19:59:39 by Joel Sherrill

Component: cpukitfilesystem

comment:4 Changed on 08/06/08 at 20:07:30 by Joel Sherrill

Patch applied to 4.7 and 4.8.

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