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{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (4884 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (4301 - 4400 of 4884)

2 (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#816 mpc8xx ethernet struct has taddr members in the wrong order bsps closed fixed 4.6 defect low Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#817 rtems_gxx_recursive_mutex_init_function score closed fixed unknown defect highest Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#819 symbol clash in ttyname.c and ttyname_r.c fs closed fixed 4.6 defect high Jennifer Averett 12/03/06
#820 core msgq count not atomic with chain inserts score closed fixed 4.5 defect highest Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#821 erc32 start.s copies non-existent ROM copy of initialized data bsps closed fixed 4.6 defect highest Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#822 MBX8xx-BSP does not boot bsps closed fixed 4.6 defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#824 erc32sonic network driver produces illegal memory access on initialisation in sparc/erc32 sim bsps closed fixed 4.6 defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#827 sparc BSP update bsps closed fixed unknown enhancement lowest Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#828 functions in msdos_misc.c use global variable without explicit locking fs closed fixed 4.6 defect high Jennifer Averett 12/03/06
#829 task variable dtor called with wrong argument score closed fixed 4.6 defect highest Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#830 termios ioctl(FIONREAD) reported wrong number of chars fs closed fixed unknown defect high Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#832 small fixes to pcx86 BSP (pci find device; segment descriptor tables) bsps closed fixed 4.6 enhancement lowest Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#833 PPC BSPs must not enable FPU across user ISR bsps closed fixed 4.6 defect highest Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#834 PPC BSP exception handler stack popping fix bsps closed fixed 4.6 defect lowest strauman 12/03/06
#835 VME interrupts on mvme2100 dont work bsps closed fixed 4.6 defect highest Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#837 4.6.5 broken on motorola_powerpc (mvme23xx, 26xx, ..) other than mvme2100 bsps closed fixed 4.6 defect highest Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#838 pcX86 BSP puts GDT in text segment bsps closed fixed 4.6 defect lowest Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#840 nested comment in cpukit/include/rtems/irq.h score closed fixed 4.6 defect low Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#842 Compilation failed on GCC 4.0.2 in gethostbydns.c network/legacy closed fixed unknown defect high Eric Norum 12/03/06
#844 libbsp/powerpc/mvme5500/startup/bspstart.c won't compile bsps closed fixed 4.6 defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#845 mvme2100 BSP has MMU disabled bsps closed fixed 4.6 defect highest Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#849 rtems portmapper stack overrun network/legacy closed fixed 4.7 defect highest Eric Norum 12/03/06
#850 watchdog with delay of 1 failing to time out score closed fixed 4.6 defect highest Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#851 New BSP "gen5200" available for MPC5200 bsps closed fixed 4.6 enhancement lowest Ralf Corsepius 12/03/06
#852 MSDOS filesystem speed should be increased fs closed fixed 4.6 enhancement lowest Jennifer Averett 12/03/06
#853 the ata driver should be updated to use the "handle" of the new exception scheme bsps closed fixed 4.6 defect lowest Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#854 Corel Draw spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#856 Microsoft Software titles available for Download spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#857 Top of the Line XP Pro Software at Guaranteed L0W PRlCES spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#858 powerpc ep1a BSP broken by VME changes bsps closed fixed unknown defect highest Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#860 Re: OEM Microsoft, Adobe, Windows, & Windows XP on $ale Now spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#861 libchip/network/smc91111.c: invalid lvalue in increment network/legacy closed fixed unknown defect highest Eric Norum 12/03/06
#862 Adobe software for 80 % 0ff spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#863 smc91111 network driver has illegal lvalues network/legacy closed fixed unknown defect highest Eric Norum 12/03/06
#864 Windows XP Pro $49.95 Macromedia spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#865 Notification Of your PayPal Internet Account Security spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#866 Notification Of your PayPal Internet Account Security spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#867 AutoResponse - Email Returned SAXK (KMM20606520V38736L0KM) :kd1 spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#868 Acrobat Pro 7.0 $69.95 AutoCAD spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#869 AutoResponse - Email Returned SAXK (KMM20728316V53850L0KM) :kd1 spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#870 0nline software, Download Windows, Systemworks & others Instantly spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#871 Macromedia Special Deals today 0nly spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#872 What IS 0EM Software And Why D0 You Care? spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#873 Don't be the "little guy" in the club spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#874 0nline software, Download XP Pro, XP Pro & others Instantly spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#875 Software At Low Pr1ce spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#876 OEM Photoshop software @ wholesale price$ spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#877 Software At Low Pr1ce spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#878 Need S0ftware? spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#879 Re: OEM Adobe, XP, & Adobe, Windows on $ale Now spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#880 V1agrra at overfifty % off from Lyles's Pharrmacy 7hsB9E spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#881 0nline software, Download Symantec, Win XP & others Instantly spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#882 bootstrap -c deletes svn files build closed fixed 4.6 defect normal Ralf Corsepius 12/03/06
#883 cheap oem soft shipping //orldwide spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#884 Buy OEM Software spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#885 Win XP Finally, you can afford software by Photoshop & Adobe, Windows spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#886 fcntl(F_GETFL) POSIX violation (non-blocking fd doesn't return O_NONBLOCK) fs closed fixed 4.7 defect highest Jennifer Averett 12/03/06
#887 MS 2003 top Adobe, Windows Software at best s8vings spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#888 Adobe, Windows Office XP & MS 2003 Software Starting at $29 spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#889 Three Steps to the Software You Need at the Prices You Want spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#890 Webserver POST DoS vulnerability network/legacy closed fixed unknown defect highest Eric Norum 12/03/06
#891 Software At Low Pr1ce spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#892 Adobe Windows XP Pro $49.95 XP Pro at Wilma's softfactory spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#893 Photoshop, Windows, Office spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#894 XP Pro 0nline software, Download Windows XP, Macromedia & others Instantly spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#895 Hey buddy, whats up spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#896 Adobe Thousands of Adobe, Windows software titles, 80 % 0ff spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#897 Buy OEM Software spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#898 XP 0nline software, Download Adobe, Symantec & others Instantly spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#899 Photoshop OEM software for wholesale @ Pierson's softstore spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#900 Windows Special Deals today from Dean's softshop spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#901 Office XP MS Office 2003 Pro $69.95 Adobe at Barbara's software spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#902 test for attachment admin closed fixed unknown defect highest Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#903 at91rm9200 clock fixes bsps closed fixed unknown defect lowest Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#904 GCC moves code past interrupt enable/disable operations score closed fixed unknown defect highest Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#905 MS 2003 80 % Discount on All Windows Titles at Martha's softdeals spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#906 Microsoft MS Office XP Pro $49.95 XP at Melanie's softoutlet spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#907 Other guys are improving themselves..are you? spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#908 Corel Draw spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#909 Need S0ftware? spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#910 XP Out of this WoRLD d3als on Adobe titles from Linda spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#911 Three Steps to the Software You Need at the Prices You Want spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#912 Last offer- Discount special for PE patch almost over! spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#913 Symantec Windows XP Pro $49.95 Windows XP at Vivian's softfactory spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#914 Don't be inadequate anymore! spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#915 AutoCAD Software titles available for Download spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#916 MS Office XP Pro 49.95 Macromedia spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#917 Huge 5avings on ALL best-selling Macromedia titles spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#918 Massive PE patch sale spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#919 Need S0ftware? spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#920 AutoCAD McAfee spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#923 XP Pro MS 2003 spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#924 MS Windows 2000 Professional - Full Version spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#925 Corel Draw spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#926 Photoshop, Windows, Office spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#928 Software At Low Pr1ce spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#929 Corel Draw spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#932 System Mechanic 6 Professional System Mechanic Professional v5.5 spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#933 MS Windows 2000 Professional - Full Version MS Windows 2000 Server - Full Version spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
#934 Adobe FrameMaker 7.0 Adobe GoLive CS V 7.0 PC spam closed fixed unknown defect normal Joel Sherrill 12/03/06
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.