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Custom Query (17 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Keywords Status Owner Type Priority
#2891 Beagleboard BSP projects SoC, BSP, large, retired new Ben Gras project normal
#2898 x86_64 BSP SoC, BSP, large assigned Chris Johns project normal
#2899 Improve the Raspberry Pi BSP SoC, BSP, large, small, retired new project normal
#2900 Improve PC386 BSP SoC, BSP, medium assigned Joel Sherrill project normal
#2901 Emulate i386 (x86) BIOS for VESA Support SoC, BSP new Pavel Pisa project normal
#2904 Memory Protection SoC, BSP assigned Gedare Bloom project normal
#3730 Adding PRU Support BSP, large assigned Needs Funding project normal
#3784 Beagle BSP: Add a flattened device tree based initialization SoC, BSP, medium, retired assigned Christian Mauderer project normal
#4272 BSP Executable Conversion SoC, BSP, medium, retired assigned Chris Johns project normal
#4770 Intel Specific x86-64 BSP Suport BSP, large, TSN, TCC new project normal
#4773 Can't build ATSAM BSP atsam, bsps, quick start assigned Chris Johns task normal
#3310 zynq_uart_write_polled could produce a blocking scenario zynq arm bsp new enhancement normal
#3854 MIPS Malta BSP Qemu Support SoC, BSP, libbsd, large, retired assigned Joel Sherrill enhancement normal
#4161 mpc8544ds Qemu BSP (likely variant of mvme3100) SoC, BSP, libbsd, large, retired new enhancement normal
#4162 SiFive RISC-V HiFive Unleashed BSP (Qemu) SoC, BSP, large, retired assigned Needs Funding enhancement normal
#4626 Add BSP for Polarfire based Beagle SoC, BSPs, large assigned Kinsey Moore enhancement normal
#2473 mvme162 has invalid code in start up bsp m68k assigned Needs Funding defect high
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