Notice: We have migrated to GitLab launching 2024-05-01 see here:

Custom Query (16 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#4072 testsuite: Add ticket ids for expected-fail and indeterminate states, add annotations assigned Chris Johns defect high 6.1
#3638 Investigate standards origin of y0l, y1l, and ynl for psxhdrs tests assigned Needs Funding enhancement normal Indefinite
#3711 crypt01 SHA512 test blows the stack on AArch32 new joel@… defect normal
#3713 Reduce memory demands of some timing tests new joel@… enhancement normal Indefinite
#3714 Reduce memory usage of psxconfig01 test assigned Sebastian Huber enhancement normal Indefinite
#3889 Test needed for timer_create with CLOCK_MONOTONIC new joel@… defect normal 7.1
#3890 Test needed for clock_nanosleep with CLOCK_MONOTONIC new joel@… defect normal 7.1
#3908 Fix Warnings new joel@… task normal
#4144 fileio - Stack too small for login with password (cloned) new joel@… defect normal Indefinite
#4582 Allow saving of build result email from rtems-test assigned Needs Funding enhancement normal Indefinite
#4671 Generate code and branch coverage report from test runs assigned Sebastian Huber enhancement normal 7.1
#4720 Backport rtems-tools fixes new joel@… defect normal Indefinite
#4737 rtems_interrupt_is_pending behaviour expected between tc-intr-clear and tc-intr-raise-on new joel@… defect normal
#4749 Clock Driver Validation assigned Sebastian Huber enhancement normal
#4877 sptests/spsysinit01 sem_open call only has 3 parameters with O_CREAT flag assigned Sebastian Huber defect normal 5.4
#4957 spstdc17 warnings building i386/pc686 assigned defect normal 6.1
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