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#4997 assigned defect

GMP not building when not installed

Reported by: Chris Johns Owned by: joel
Priority: normal Milestone: 6.1
Component: tool/rsb Version: 6
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Blocked By:


Email from Joel to devel:

rtems 6.1rc2 has a lot of tool build failures because I didn't have gmp-devel installed.

Checking for gmp.h... no
configure: error: gmp.h header not found

This is reported as part of building gcc-newlib. Should the RSB account for this by building gmp at the same time?

For now, I installed a host gmp-devel and restarted the build sweep.

Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed on 02/28/24 at 05:24:16 by Chris Johns


Can you please detail the operating system?

Can you please remove the installed gmp-devel package and then check if the GMP is built? Please add --trace to the RSB command line.


comment:2 Changed on 02/28/24 at 23:47:38 by Joel Sherrill

The build of gdb now depends on gmp-devel. I don't know if we want to include gmp in the rsb bset or not. But once I loaded that package, it built.

This is on CentOS 7 with the software collection to have gcc 8 and Python 3. CentOS 7 default is a gcc 4.8 and Python 2 which is insufficient. Should we update the CentOS 7 recommendations in the Users Guide?

comment:3 in reply to:  2 Changed on 03/01/24 at 05:14:38 by Chris Johns

Replying to Joel Sherrill:

The build of gdb now depends on gmp-devel.

Yes, it has for a while and we have building gmp for a while as a result.

I don't know if we want to include gmp in the rsb bset or not. But once I loaded that package, it built.

Please remove the package and retest. It is included in the build setsfor the RTEMS tools. Please have a look in the defaults build sets for the 6 release.

This is on CentOS 7 with the software collection to have gcc 8 and Python 3.

Python 3 is now required because GDB requires it. The RTEMS tools commands are still python 2 compatible however pushing to a more recent GDB means we all need python 3.

CentOS 7 default is a gcc 4.8 and Python 2 which is insufficient.

I do not use Linux and I do not know what this means?

Should we update the CentOS 7 recommendations in the Users Guide?

To say what? The issue is not needing the package but why it was not built when it should be. Can you please debug this?

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