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#4622 assigned enhancement

Add Python initializer for gdb RTEMS specific support

Reported by: Joel Sherrill Owned by: Chris Johns
Priority: normal Milestone: Indefinite
Component: tool/gdb Version:
Severity: normal Keywords: gdb, tools, ecosystem, SoC, small, pretty printers, c++
Cc: Chris Johns Blocked By:

Description (last modified by Joel Sherrill)

GDB needs an initialization hook in Python like the ones installed into ${prefix}/share/gdb for RTEMS installations.

Please see Chris Johns for further details.

Possible Mentors: Chris Johns
Skills: Python, C
Difficulty: Medium

Change History (4)

comment:1 Changed on 02/25/22 at 21:22:24 by Joel Sherrill

Description: modified (diff)

comment:3 Changed on 03/13/23 at 03:58:36 by Chris Johns

Keywords: pretty printers c++ added

comment:4 Changed on 02/17/24 at 05:16:10 by Gedare Bloom

Owner: set to Chris Johns
Status: newassigned
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