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#4574 closed defect (fixed)

Unable to setup rtems in (arm-apple) m1 Mac mini.

Reported by: Siddhanth Owned by:
Priority: high Milestone:
Component: arch/arm Version: 6
Severity: normal Keywords: arm
Cc: Blocked By:


I could setup rtems on two of my linux laptops but I am not able to do it on my m1 Mac mini its getting an invalid config error probably some kind of version mismatch is happening.
The error - Invalid configuration arm64-apple-darwin21.2.0': machine arm64-apple' not recognized

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed on 08/02/23 at 09:14:26 by kgardas

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Hi, I tested fresh RSB and compiled 6/rtems-arm on mini M1 with macOS 13.4.1:

reporting: tools/rtems-tools-6.cfg -> rtems-tools-eaf14a654b528b44de14f9da9919555e54324e0d-1.txt
reporting: tools/rtems-tools-6.cfg -> rtems-tools-eaf14a654b528b44de14f9da9919555e54324e0d-1.xml
staging: dtc-1.6.1-arm64-apple-darwin22.5.0-1 -> /Users/karel/git/rtems-source-builder-ref/rtems/build/tmp/sb-502-staging
staging: expat-2.5.0-arm64-apple-darwin22.5.0-1 -> /Users/karel/git/rtems-source-builder-ref/rtems/build/tmp/sb-502-staging
staging: gmp-6.2.1-arm64-apple-darwin22.5.0-1 -> /Users/karel/git/rtems-source-builder-ref/rtems/build/tmp/sb-502-staging
staging: arm-rtems6-gdb-13.2-arm64-apple-darwin22.5.0-1 -> /Users/karel/git/rtems-source-builder-ref/rtems/build/tmp/sb-502-staging
staging: arm-rtems6-binutils-2.39-arm64-apple-darwin22.5.0-1 -> /Users/karel/git/rtems-source-builder-ref/rtems/build/tmp/sb-502-staging
staging: arm-rtems6-gcc-506cb58-newlib-a021448-arm64-apple-darwin22.5.0-1 -> /Users/karel/git/rtems-source-builder-ref/rtems/build/tmp/sb-502-staging
staging: rtems-tools-eaf14a654b528b44de14f9da9919555e54324e0d-1 -> /Users/karel/git/rtems-source-builder-ref/rtems/build/tmp/sb-502-staging
cleaning: dtc-1.6.1-arm64-apple-darwin22.5.0-1
cleaning: expat-2.5.0-arm64-apple-darwin22.5.0-1
cleaning: gmp-6.2.1-arm64-apple-darwin22.5.0-1
cleaning: arm-rtems6-gdb-13.2-arm64-apple-darwin22.5.0-1
cleaning: arm-rtems6-binutils-2.39-arm64-apple-darwin22.5.0-1
cleaning: arm-rtems6-gcc-506cb58-newlib-a021448-arm64-apple-darwin22.5.0-1
cleaning: rtems-tools-eaf14a654b528b44de14f9da9919555e54324e0d-1
Build Sizes: usage: 6.765GB total: 2.636GB (sources: 1.537GB, patches: 591.836KB, installed 1.099GB)
Build Set: Time 0:27:21.048826
installing: 6/rtems-arm -> /opt/precidata/rtems/6.testing-issue4574
clean staging: 6/rtems-arm
Staging Size: 1.098GB
Build Set: Time 0:27:21.890986

although not shown here, I use those tools to build several ARM based RTEMS BSPs without any troubles on macOS.

as the ticket is quite old and we spent quite some time making sure macOS is well supported in '22 and '23 I guess the ticket is already outdated and should be closed.

If this is not the case, please reopen again and provide more information so we can duplicate your issue. Thanks!

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