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#4062 closed defect (wontfix)

waf configure fails on Ubuntu 20.04 with python error.

Reported by: kgardas Owned by:
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: doc Version:
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Blocked By:


In an attempt to get waf running on Ubuntu 20.04 I've hit following error:

ubuntu@ubuntu20lxc:~/git/rtems/rtems-docs$ ./waf configure --pdf
Setting top to                           : /home/ubuntu/git/rtems/rtems-docs 
Setting out to                           : /home/ubuntu/git/rtems/rtems-docs/build 
Checking for program 'git'               : /usr/bin/git 
Checking for program 'sphinx-build'      : /usr/bin/sphinx-build 
Checking for program 'aspell'            : not found 
Checking if Sphinx is at least 1.3       : yes (1.8) 
Checking Sphinx Options                  : none 
Checking Sphinx Nit-Pick mode            : no 
Checking for 'sphinx.ext.autodoc'        : found 
Checking for 'sphinx.ext.coverage'       : found 
Checking for 'sphinx.ext.doctest'        : found 
Checking for 'sphinx.ext.graphviz'       : found 
Checking for 'sphinx.ext.intersphinx'    : found 
Checking for 'sphinx.ext.mathjax'        : found 
Checking for 'sphinxcontrib.bibtex'      : found 
Checking for program 'tex'               : /usr/bin/tex 
Checking for program 'latex'             : /usr/bin/latex 
Checking for program 'pdflatex'          : /usr/bin/pdflatex 
Checking for program 'xelatex'           : not found 
Checking for program 'bibtex'            : /usr/bin/bibtex 
Checking for program 'dvips'             : /usr/bin/dvips 
Checking for program 'dvipdf'            : /usr/bin/dvipdf 
Checking for program 'ps2pdf'            : /usr/bin/ps2pdf 
Checking for program 'makeindex'         : /usr/bin/makeindex 
Checking for program 'pdf2ps'            : /usr/bin/pdf2ps 
Checking for program 'makeglossaries'    : /usr/bin/makeglossaries 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/ubuntu/git/rtems/rtems-docs/.waf3-2.0.19-1f3c580272b15a03d2566843c5fe872a/waflib/", line 119, in waf_entry_point
  File "/home/ubuntu/git/rtems/rtems-docs/.waf3-2.0.19-1f3c580272b15a03d2566843c5fe872a/waflib/", line 182, in run_commands
  File "/home/ubuntu/git/rtems/rtems-docs/.waf3-2.0.19-1f3c580272b15a03d2566843c5fe872a/waflib/", line 173, in run_command
  File "/home/ubuntu/git/rtems/rtems-docs/.waf3-2.0.19-1f3c580272b15a03d2566843c5fe872a/waflib/", line 85, in execute
  File "/home/ubuntu/git/rtems/rtems-docs/.waf3-2.0.19-1f3c580272b15a03d2566843c5fe872a/waflib/", line 92, in execute
  File "/home/ubuntu/git/rtems/rtems-docs/.waf3-2.0.19-1f3c580272b15a03d2566843c5fe872a/waflib/", line 133, in recurse
  File "/home/ubuntu/git/rtems/rtems-docs/wscript", line 49, in configure
  File "/home/ubuntu/git/rtems/rtems-docs/.waf3-2.0.19-1f3c580272b15a03d2566843c5fe872a/waflib/", line 133, in recurse
  File "/home/ubuntu/git/rtems/rtems-docs/common/", line 264, in cmd_configure
  File "/home/ubuntu/git/rtems/rtems-docs/common/", line 122, in configure_tests
    local_packs = local_packages()
  File "/home/ubuntu/git/rtems/rtems-docs/common/", line 94, in local_packages
    host, version = host_name()
  File "/home/ubuntu/git/rtems/rtems-docs/common/", line 85, in host_name
    distro = platform.dist()
AttributeError: module 'platform' has no attribute 'dist'
ubuntu@ubuntu20lxc:~/git/rtems/rtems-docs$ python --version
Python 3.8.2

Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed on 08/25/20 at 22:42:47 by Chris Johns

I cannot repeat the error. I have installed Python 3.8.5 on FreeBSD 12 and successfully run:

python3.8 -m venv sphinx38
. ./sphinx38/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install Sphinx
pip install sphinxcontrib-bibtex
cd rtems-docs.git
./waf distclean configure

The pip configuration is:

(sphinx38) ruru rtems-docs.git $ pip list
Package                       Version
----------------------------- ---------
alabaster                     0.7.12
Babel                         2.8.0
certifi                       2020.6.20
chardet                       3.0.4
docutils                      0.16
idna                          2.10
imagesize                     1.2.0
Jinja2                        2.11.2
latexcodec                    2.0.1
MarkupSafe                    1.1.1
oset                          0.1.3
packaging                     20.4
pip                           20.2.2
pybtex                        0.22.2
pybtex-docutils               0.2.2
Pygments                      2.6.1
pyparsing                     2.4.7
pytz                          2020.1
PyYAML                        5.3.1
requests                      2.24.0
setuptools                    47.1.0
six                           1.15.0
snowballstemmer               2.0.0
Sphinx                        3.2.1
sphinxcontrib-applehelp       1.0.2
sphinxcontrib-bibtex          1.0.0
sphinxcontrib-devhelp         1.0.2
sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp        1.0.3
sphinxcontrib-jsmath          1.0.1
sphinxcontrib-qthelp          1.0.3
sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml 1.1.4
urllib3                       1.25.10

comment:2 Changed on 07/10/23 at 08:29:50 by kgardas

With the suggested way of using it:

python3.8 -m venv sphinx38
. ./sphinx38/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install Sphinx
pip install sphinxcontrib-bibtex
cd rtems-docs.git
./waf distclean configure

this runs fine. But when I try to add --pdf into waf I get following error:

(sphinx38) rtems@silence:~/git/rtems/rtems-docs$ ./waf distclean configure --pdf
'distclean' finished successfully (0.003s)
Setting top to                           : /export/home/rtems/git/rtems/rtems-docs 
Setting out to                           : /export/home/rtems/git/rtems/rtems-docs/build 
Checking for program 'git'               : /usr/bin/git 
Checking for program 'sphinx-build'      : /export/home/rtems/sphinx38/bin/sphinx-build 
Checking for program 'aspell'            : /usr/bin/aspell 
Checking if Sphinx is at least 1.3       : yes (7.0) 
Checking Sphinx Options                  : none 
Checking Sphinx Nit-Pick mode            : no 
Checking for 'sphinx.ext.autodoc'        : found 
Checking for 'sphinx.ext.coverage'       : found 
Checking for 'sphinx.ext.doctest'        : found 
Checking for 'sphinx.ext.graphviz'       : found 
Checking for 'sphinx.ext.intersphinx'    : found 
Checking for 'sphinx.ext.mathjax'        : found 
Checking for 'sphinxcontrib.bibtex'      : found 
Checking for program 'tex'               : /usr/bin/tex 
Checking for program 'latex'             : /usr/bin/latex 
Checking for program 'pdflatex'          : /usr/bin/pdflatex 
Checking for program 'xelatex'           : /usr/bin/xelatex 
Checking for program 'bibtex'            : /usr/bin/bibtex 
Checking for program 'dvips'             : /usr/bin/dvips 
Checking for program 'dvipdf'            : /usr/bin/dvipdf 
Checking for program 'ps2pdf'            : /usr/bin/ps2pdf 
Checking for program 'makeindex'         : /usr/bin/makeindex 
Checking for program 'pdf2ps'            : /usr/bin/pdf2ps 
Checking for program 'makeglossaries'    : /usr/bin/makeglossaries 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/export/home/rtems/git/rtems/rtems-docs/common/", line 85, in host_name
    from distro import linux_distribution
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'distro'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/export/home/rtems/git/rtems/rtems-docs/.waf3-2.0.25-767522112be77f8585812fcfaa08e805/waflib/", line 119, in waf_entry_point
  File "/export/home/rtems/git/rtems/rtems-docs/.waf3-2.0.25-767522112be77f8585812fcfaa08e805/waflib/", line 182, in run_commands
  File "/export/home/rtems/git/rtems/rtems-docs/.waf3-2.0.25-767522112be77f8585812fcfaa08e805/waflib/", line 173, in run_command
  File "/export/home/rtems/git/rtems/rtems-docs/.waf3-2.0.25-767522112be77f8585812fcfaa08e805/waflib/", line 85, in execute
  File "/export/home/rtems/git/rtems/rtems-docs/.waf3-2.0.25-767522112be77f8585812fcfaa08e805/waflib/", line 92, in execute
  File "/export/home/rtems/git/rtems/rtems-docs/.waf3-2.0.25-767522112be77f8585812fcfaa08e805/waflib/", line 133, in recurse
  File "/export/home/rtems/git/rtems/rtems-docs/wscript", line 48, in configure
  File "/export/home/rtems/git/rtems/rtems-docs/.waf3-2.0.25-767522112be77f8585812fcfaa08e805/waflib/", line 133, in recurse
  File "/export/home/rtems/git/rtems/rtems-docs/common/", line 269, in cmd_configure
  File "/export/home/rtems/git/rtems/rtems-docs/common/", line 125, in configure_tests
    local_packs = local_packages()
  File "/export/home/rtems/git/rtems/rtems-docs/common/", line 97, in local_packages
    host, version = host_name()
  File "/export/home/rtems/git/rtems/rtems-docs/common/", line 87, in host_name
    from platform import linux_distribution
ImportError: cannot import name 'linux_distribution' from 'platform' (/usr/lib/python3.8/

Anyway, the workaround for this exists and this is using python3 directly:

rtems@silence:~/git/rtems/rtems-docs$ python3 ./waf distclean configure --pdf
'distclean' finished successfully (0.001s)
Setting top to                           : /export/home/rtems/git/rtems/rtems-docs 
Setting out to                           : /export/home/rtems/git/rtems/rtems-docs/build 
Checking for program 'git'               : /usr/bin/git 
Checking for program 'sphinx-build'      : /usr/bin/sphinx-build 
Checking for program 'aspell'            : /usr/bin/aspell 
Checking if Sphinx is at least 1.3       : yes (3.3) 
Checking Sphinx Options                  : none 
Checking Sphinx Nit-Pick mode            : no 
Checking for 'sphinx.ext.autodoc'        : found 
Checking for 'sphinx.ext.coverage'       : found 
Checking for 'sphinx.ext.doctest'        : found 
Checking for 'sphinx.ext.graphviz'       : found 
Checking for 'sphinx.ext.intersphinx'    : found 
Checking for 'sphinx.ext.mathjax'        : found 
Checking for 'sphinxcontrib.bibtex'      : found 
Checking for program 'tex'               : /usr/bin/tex 
Checking for program 'latex'             : /usr/bin/latex 
Checking for program 'pdflatex'          : /usr/bin/pdflatex 
Checking for program 'xelatex'           : /usr/bin/xelatex 
Checking for program 'bibtex'            : /usr/bin/bibtex 
Checking for program 'dvips'             : /usr/bin/dvips 
Checking for program 'dvipdf'            : /usr/bin/dvipdf 
Checking for program 'ps2pdf'            : /usr/bin/ps2pdf 
Checking for program 'makeindex'         : /usr/bin/makeindex 
Checking for program 'pdf2ps'            : /usr/bin/pdf2ps 
Checking for program 'makeglossaries'    : /usr/bin/makeglossaries 
Checking for program 'pygmentize'        : /usr/bin/pygmentize 
Checking for Tex package 'Bjarne'        : ok 
Checking for Tex package 'alltt'         : ok 
Checking for Tex package 'amsmath'       : ok 
Checking for Tex package 'amssymb'       : ok 
Checking for Tex package 'amstext'       : ok 
Checking for Tex package 'anyfontsize'   : ok 
Checking for Tex package 'array'         : ok 
Checking for Tex package 'atbegshi'      : ok 
Checking for Tex package 'babel'         : ok 
Checking for Tex package 'calc'          : ok 
Checking for Tex package 'capt-of'       : ok 
Checking for Tex package 'charter'       : ok 
Checking for Tex package 'cmap'          : ok 
Checking for Tex package 'color'         : ok 
Checking for Tex package 'enumitem'      : ok 
Checking for Tex package 'eqparbox'      : ok 
Checking for Tex package 'etoolbox'      : ok 
Checking for Tex package 'fancybox'      : ok 
Checking for Tex package 'fancyhdr'      : ok 
Checking for Tex package 'fancyvrb'      : ok 
Checking for Tex package 'float'         : ok 
Checking for Tex package 'fncychap'      : ok 
Checking for Tex package 'fontenc'       : ok 
Checking for Tex package 'footnote'      : ok 
Checking for Tex package 'framed'        : ok 
Checking for Tex package 'graphicx'      : ok 
Checking for Tex package 'hypcap'        : ok 
Checking for Tex package 'hyperref'      : ok 
Checking for Tex package 'ifplatform'    : ok 
Checking for Tex package 'ifthen'        : ok 
Checking for Tex package 'inputenc'      : ok 
Checking for Tex package 'keyval'        : ok 
Checking for Tex package 'kvoptions'     : ok 
Checking for Tex package 'lineno'        : ok 
Checking for Tex package 'longtable'     : ok 
Checking for Tex package 'makeidx'       : ok 
Checking for Tex package 'multirow'      : ok 
Checking for Tex package 'parskip'       : ok 
Checking for Tex package 'pdftexcmds'    : ok 
Checking for Tex package 'textcomp'      : ok 
Checking for Tex package 'threeparttable' : ok 
Checking for Tex package 'times'          : ok 
Checking for Tex package 'titlesec'       : ok 
Checking for Tex package 'upquote'        : ok 
Checking for Tex package 'utf8'           : ok 
Checking for Tex package 'wrapfig'        : ok 
Checking for Tex package 'xcolor'         : ok 
Checking for Tex package 'xstring'        : ok 
Checking for Tex package 'inconsolata'    : ok 
Checking for Tex package 'lato'           : ok 
'configure' finished successfully (16.862s)

comment:3 Changed on 07/10/23 at 08:31:08 by kgardas

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

Closing this since I'm original reporter and workaround for issue exists.

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