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Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of TBR/Website/What_is_RTEMS

03/12/09 17:50:11 (15 years ago)

Add text from GSoC Project Description


  • TBR/Website/What_is_RTEMS

    v2 v3  
    4 RTEMS is a real-time executive which provides a high performance
    5 environment for embedded military applications including many features.
    6 The following is just a short list of the features available in RTEMS. If
    7 you are interested in something that is not on this list, please contact
    8 the RTEMS Team. Features are being added continuously.
     4RTEMS is a real-time executive which provides a high performance environment for embedded real-time applications including many features.
     6The RTEMS Project is the umbrella term used to describe the collection of individuals, companies, universities, and research institutions that collectively maintain and enhance the RTEMS software base.   The RTEMS Project is lead by a [wiki:TBR/Review/Steering_Committee  Steering Committee] that collectively represents the interests of the community and provides stewardship for the code base.
     8RTEMS (Real-Time Executive for Multiprocessor Systems) is a free real-time operating system designed for deeply embedded systems. It is a free open source solution that supports multi-processor systems and has been ported to over a [wiki:TBR/UserManual/SupportedCPUs  dozen CPU architectures] and includes support for over [wiki:BoardSupportPackageInformation  100 boards].  RTEMS is designed to support applications with the most stringent real-time requirements while being compatible with open standards such as POSIX.  RTEMS includes optional functional features such as TCP/IP and various file systems while still offering minimum executable sizes under 20 KB in useful configurations.
     10Many RTEMS developers are active in the free software community and contribute to various projects including binutils, gcc, newlib, and gdb.  The RTEMS Maintainer is also a member of the GCC Steering Committee.
     12RTEMS development is done in a cross-compilation fashion. The RTEMS Project maintains an APT/Yum Repository with RPMs for various i386 and x86_64 GNU/Linux distributions including Fedora, RHEL, CentOS, and SUSE.  In addition, MS-Windows is supported via MinGW hosted toolsets.  RTEMS tools are included in various BSD ports collection.  Our package maintainer contributes to the Fedora project.
     14We have recently put together some flyers for projects that use RTEMS.  Please visit and see how a relatively unknown piece of open source software is such an important part of the scientific community.  We are proud that in April 2009, the ESA Herschel and Planck satellites will launch and both are using RTEMS.
     15= Feature List =
     18The following is just a short list of the features available in RTEMS. If you are interested in something that is not on this list, please contact the RTEMS Team. Features are being added continuously.
    1020 * Standards Compliant
    3545  *  FTP Client Filesystem
    3646  *  FAT Filesystem (IDE and [wiki:CompactFlash CompactFlash])
     47  *  NFS client
    3849 * Basic Kernel Features