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Changes between Version 9 and Version 10 of TBR/UserManual/RTEMS_File_System

02/23/10 08:38:29 (14 years ago)

Add format and mount calls.


  • TBR/UserManual/RTEMS_File_System

    v9 v10  
    149149        blocks used: 84 (5.5%)
    150150        inodes used: 1 (0.0%)
    151 = RFS Programable Configuration =
     151= RFS Programmable Configuration =
     154The RFS can be configured and manage directly from your software. To format a disk include <tt>rtems-rfs-format.h</tt> in your application code then create a variable of type <tt>rtems_rfs_format_config</tt> and initialise it to 0:
     156  #include <rtems-rfs-format.h>
     158  rtems_rfs_format_config config;
     159  memset (&config, 0, sizeof (rtems_rfs_format_config));
     161The <tt>rtems_rfs_format_config</tt> structure has the following fields:
     164;<tt>block_size</tt> : The size of a block. If 0 the formatter will determine an optimal block by looking at the size of the disk.
     165;<tt>group_blocks</tt> : The number of blocks in a group. If 0 the formatter will attempt to make a group have as many blocks as bit fit in a block. This minimises the number of groups.
     166;<tt>group_inodes</tt> : Number of inodes in a group. If 0 the formatter will use the percentage configuration field to determine the number of inodes.
     167;<tt>inode_overhead</tt> : The percentage overhead inodes consume. The percentage value, eg 1 for 1% means 1% of the total blocks will be used by inodes. If 0 the formatter will assume a value of 1%. If you know you will have only a few files you can limit the amount by using the group_inodes field.
     168;<tt>initialise_inodes</tt> : Initialise the inodes. By default the formatter will only initialise the superblock and the group allocator block and inode bit maps. An unallocated block or inode will not be referenced by the file system therefore its contents are not important. If you set this field to <tt>true</tt> the formatter will initialise all inodes to a know state.
     169;<tt>verbose</tt> : If set to <tt>true</tt> the formatter will output various configuration settings as well as the format progress.
     172When the configuration has been set call the format routine. In this example the RAM disk is being formatted:
     174  const char* driver = "/dev/rda";
     175  if (rtems_rfs_format (driver, &config) < 0)
     176    printf ("error: format of %s failed: %s\n", driver, strerror (errno));
     178With a formatted disk you can mount it using the standard <tt>mount</tt> call:
     180  #include <rtems-rfs.h>
     182  rtems_filesystem_mount_table_entry_t* mt_entry;
     183  char* driver = "/dev/rda";
     184  char* path = "/rd";
     185  if (mount (&mt_entry, &rtems_rfs_ops, 0, driver, path))
     186    printf ("error: mount of %s to %s failed: %s\n,
     187            driver, path, strerror (errno));