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Changes between Version 27 and Version 28 of TBR/UserManual/RTEMS_Coverage_Analysis

09/09/09 01:34:24 (15 years ago)

/* Applying Coverage Analysis to RTEMS */ Began discussion of profiles


  • TBR/UserManual/RTEMS_Coverage_Analysis

    v27 v28  
    1818In order to achieve the 100% tested goal, it is important to define what constitutes 100% tested.  A lot of information exists about how to completely test a software application.  In general, the term [ Code Coverage] is used to refer to the analysis that is performed to determine what portions of the software are tested by the test suite and what portions are not tested.  For some background information on Code Coverage Analysis, see [wiki:Developer/Coverage/CoverageAnalysisTheory Coverage Analysis Theory].
    20 Traditional, Code Coverage Analysis has been performed by instrumenting the source code or object code or by using special hardware to monitor the instructions executed.  An objective of the RTEMS code coverage effort is to use existing tools and to avoid altering the code to be analyzed.  This can be accomplished by using a processor simulator that provides coverage analysis information.  The information can be processed to determine which instructions are executed.  We call this object code coverage.  Initially, we set out to achieve 100% object code coverage of the RTEMS executive.
     20Traditionally, Code Coverage Analysis has been performed by instrumenting the source code or object code or by using special hardware to monitor the instructions executed.  An objective of the RTEMS code coverage effort is to use existing tools and to avoid altering the code to be analyzed.  This can be accomplished by using a processor simulator that provides coverage analysis information.  The information can be processed to determine which instructions are executed.  We call this object code coverage.  Initially, we set out to achieve 100% object code coverage of the RTEMS executive.
     22It is also important to define what is actually being tested.  The RTEMS executive can contain a significant amount of code.  The concept of profiles was introduced to provide boundaries for what is actually tested.
    2123= How it was Done =