= MinGW Tools for Windows = = MinGW Tools for Windows = Windows users can now use MinGW base RTEMS tools. These tools will generate the same application code for RTEMS as the tools on Linux or Cygwin. MinGW tools use the native Windows runtime rather than access Windows via the POSIX interface Cygwin provides. MinGW tools are faster than the Cygwin equivalent and are not confused by Cygwin mount points. Compiler errors will show a Windows path rather than a Cygwin path. The RTEMS MinGW Tools are packaged in Windows installers. The latest tools can be access using the top level installer. It will install the common files and present you with a selection box for the targets you wish to install. The installer will check to see if you have already have the target installer present and if it is will not download it again but will install it.
[http://www.rtems.org/ftp/pub/rtems/windows/4.8/build-15/rtems4.8-tools-15.exe RTEMS Tool Installer (rtems4.8-tools-15.exe)]
Is it '''recommended you install MinGW, MSYS and MSYS DTK''' before you install the RTEMS Tools. The autotools installer builds autoconf and automake before installing them on your computer. There is no safe way to build autoconf using a cross-build on a Linux host. To build the autotools packages on Windows MSYS and MSYS DTK are required. The autotools installer checks for them and aborts installation if they do not exist.
For a detailed walk through of the installer take a look at [wiki:TBR/Delete/Installing_MinGW_RTEMS_Tools Installing MinGW RTEMS Tools]. The source code for the tools is under the GNU GPL and can be found here http://www.rtems.org/ftp/pub/rtems/windows/4.8/build-15/source. The installers and tools are built and packaged on a Linux Fedora (FC7) computer and the scripts are all provided in the RTEMS source code using the [wiki:Building/MingwTools Building MinGW Tools] instructions. The RTEMS are all installed into the default path of c:\opt\rtems-4.8. To test the tools run the rtems.bat file. This will open a Windows Command prompt (cmd) with a valid path to the installed tools. You can find the rtems.bat where you installed the tools or under the '''RTEMS 4.8''' menu in the '''Start Menu'''. Enter the GCC command for your tool set. For example the ARM GCC command is: RTEMS C:\opt\rtems-4.8> arm-rtems4.8-gcc arm-rtems4.8-gcc: no input files A few batch files and a script file are installed into the install point. The first is called rtems-env.bat. It sets up the path and environment variables you need to run the RTEMS tools. The second is rtems.bat. It will open a Windows command box with the RTEMS tools path and environment set. The last is sh-run.bat. You call this from your editor when you want to compile within the editor. You need to install the MinGW and MSYS packages to use this batch file. For example: c:\rtems\arm\sh-run.bat ./vs-make.sh /c/opt/src/rtems/app all can be used with Visual Studio and an external make project to compile an application in c:\opt\src\rtems\app. The script vs-make.sh will change directory and invoke GNU make converting the GCC error messages to the MS format that Visual Studio understands. = Setting Up MinGW = The tools as installed do not need any extra packages, DLLs or installs to work. You could use any available make program or tools to build any RTEMS application. If you want some excellent tools or wish to build RTEMS on Windows the MinGW project provides just what you need. You can find the MinGW project at http://www.mingw.org/. The MinGW project has 3 packages we are interested in using. You should install them before you install the RTEMS Tools. The first MinGW package contains a Windows native GCC compiler, and GNU make (called mingw32-make). The second package is MSYS for Minimal SYStem (MSYS), and the third is the Minimal SYStem Developers Tool Kit (MSYS DTK). MSYS is a stand alone package based on the excellent and sucessful Cygwin package but simplifed to providing a self hosted mingw32 target POSIX style environment. It provides a shell with enough functionality to run {{{configure scripts from the autooconf package. It is simpler to install and setup than the larger more complex Cygwin package. * [http://prdownloads.sf.net/mingw/MinGW-5.1.3.exe?download MinGW Tools] * [http://prdownloads.sf.net/mingw/MSYS-1.0.10.exe?download MSYS Installer] * [http://prdownloads.sf.net/mingw/msysDTK-1.0.0.exe?download MinGW MSYS Developers Tool Kit] Click on the above and install each package. The default settings for these package should be ok for most users.
'''WARNING:''' ''If you uninstall the MinGW package it currently deletes everything under the install directory. It is recommended you use the standard install point and do not place any files you need to keep under that directory.''
If you have Cygwin installed, or another package which contains Cygwin you should consider removing any paths to it from your global path variable and using batch files to set paths specifically. It can be confusing if you end up mixing all of together. The example batch file above shows how you can manage specific paths for MinGW and RTEMS. With MSYS you can run the RTEMS {{{configure script. You can use the MSYS shell which you can find as a menu or Desktop icon. This is just like a Unix shell so you need to know some basic Unix commands to use. You can also run {{{configure from a Windows command prompt started with the rtems.bat file shown above by placing ''sh'' before the {{{configure command. If you wish to modify RTEMS and/or need to run autoconf, automake or any of the autotools you will need to install the ''MinGW MSYS Developers Tool kit''. The RTEMS installer checks to see if the MSYS /etc/fstab is present and appends the prefix the tools are built with as a mount to the install point you set in the installer. The /etc/fstab will have the following entry (rtems4.8): C:/opt/rtems-4.8 /opt/rtems-4.8 The install tries hard to local MSYS. If it does not find it please let us know. = Building RTEMS = To build RTEMS with the source code in a directory 'c:\rtems\src\rtems-' you would do the following: > c: > cd \opt\src\rtems > mkdir m68k > cd m68k > sh ../rtems-4.8/configure --target=m68k-rtems4.8 --enable-multilib --prefix=/c/opt/src/rtems/m68k > sh make all install If you have check RTEMS out from CVS you will first need to bootstrap. If you have used Windows to check out from CVS with tools such as [http://www.tortoisecvs.org/ TortoiseCVS] the files will have DOS line endings. This causes problems with autoconf and automake and some files need to be stripped. The RTEMS bootstrap script will be modifed to handle this and until then you will need to bootstrap with the following: > cd rtems-4.8 > sh find . \( -name \*.ac -o -name \*.m4 -o -name \*.am -o -name \*.in \) -exec dos2unix '{}' \; > sh ./bootstrap = Compiling in Emacs = You can use [http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/windows/faq2.html Emacs on Windows] to compile RTEMS or your application and use it to track the error messages. To compile enter 'M-x compile' then type c:/opt/rtems-4.8/sh-run.bat make -C c:/opt/rtems-4.8/src/rtems-4.8 = Trouble Shooting = If you have trouble with MSYS when building RTEMS check what virus or spyware detection software you have. The PC Tools Spyware Doctor has been giving me problems. The machine looses all resources. Turing off Spyware Doctor does not help, it had to be uninstalled. = Terminal Software = If you are using RTEMS with these tools on Windows you may find the RealTerm program useful when connecting to the console of your target. RealTerm can be download from http://realterm.sourceforge.net/.