= GeneralInformation = * How do you pronounce RTEMS? * Listen to [wiki:User:JoelSherrill User:JoelSherrill] pronouncing it for you http://www.rtems.org/ftp/pub/rtems/people/joel/JoelSaysRTEMS.wav * What does RTEMS [wiki:TBR/Website/StandFor StandFor]? * [wiki:TBR/Website/What_is_RTEMS What is RTEMS]? * What [wiki:TBR/Website/Standards_Are_Support_By_RTEMS Standards Are Support By RTEMS]? * What processors is RTEMS available for? [wiki:TBR/UserManual/SupportedCPUs SupportedCPUs] * [wiki:TBR/Delete/ExecutiveVsKernelVsOperatingSystemVsRTOS ExecutiveVsKernelVsOperatingSystemVsRTOS] * Where/why was it developed? [wiki:WhoDevelopedRTEMS WhoDevelopedRTEMS] * Are there [wiki:SimilarCommercialProducts SimilarCommercialProducts]? * Where can I [wiki:TBR/Delete/DownloadRTEMS DownloadRTEMS]? * How can I obtain [[RTEMSSupport]]? * Are there any restrictions on the [wiki:TBR/Delete/RTEMSLicense RTEMSLicense]? * Are there any [wiki:TBR/Website/RTEMSMailingLists RTEMSMailingLists]? * Are there [[ExportRestrictions]]?