= RTEMSReferences = This page attempts to capture all published references to RTEMS only ignoring mailing list archives. It should include both positive and negative references, although there are not many negative ones. :) It should include papers on applications and research projects that used RTEMS. Please feel free to add references you know of to conference papers, presentations, web sites, product brochures, white papers, papers which only mention RTEMS, etc. It is only with the help of the community that this page can be current and complete. --[wiki:User:JoelSherrill Dr. Joel] 11:39, 12 Jul 2006 (CDT) ---- = Published in 2007 = = Published in 2006 = * Angelo Fraietta [http://www.smartcontroller.com.au/publications/Thesis.pdf "The Smart Controller: an integrated electronic instrument for real-time performance using programmable logic control"] Doctoral dissertation. University of Western Sydney * Jonathan Kalbfeld "Develop an RTOS on Solaris with RTEMS" Embedded Systems Design Magazine: November 2006 68635887187157246124191 * Martin Molnar The EDF scheduler implementation in RTEMS Operating System, Diploma thesis. Czech Technical University in Prague = Published in 2005 = * Romain Berrendonner and Jerome Guitton. [http://www.adacore.com/2005/06/10/the-esa-ravenscar-benchmark/|The ESA Ravenscar Benchmark]. June 2005. NOTE: It would be nice to see some results of these benchmarks -- Ada on bare hardware versus Ada on RTEMS or Ada on RTEMS versus Ada on Linux. * Angelo Fraietta [http://www.smartcontroller.com.au/publications/AngeloNIME05.pdf "The Smart Controller Workbench"] In proceedings of the International Conference on New Musical Interfaces for Music Expression (NIME-2005) = Published in 2004 = TBD = Published in 2003 = * Fraietta, Angelo. [http://www.smartcontroller.com.au/publications/ICMC2003.pdf "The Smart Controller - Shifting Performance Boundaries."] Paper presented at boundaryless music: the International Computer Music Conference, National University of Singapore, 29 September - 4 October 2003. * Fraietta, Angelo. [http://www.smartcontroller.com.au/publications/soundsAustralian.pdf " The Smart Controller]. Article in Sounds Unlimited: building the instruments: Sounds Australian -- Journal of the Australian Music Centre (62):22. * Fraietta, Angelo. [http://www.smartcontroller.com.au/publications/ACMC2003.pdf "Incremental sound installation development using the Smart Controller"] In proceedings of Converging Technologies: the Australasian Computer Music Conference, 5-7 July 2003. Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts, Edith Cowan University. = Published in 2002 = * Fraietta, Angelo. [http://www.smartcontroller.com.au/publications/ArtistTalk.pdf "Smart Controller -- Artist Talk."] Paper presented at Form, Space, Time: the Australasian Computer Music Conference, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology 2002. * EPICS on the RTEMS Real-Time Executive. W. Eric Norum. American Institute of Physics `Review of Scientific Instrumentation'. January, 2002. Previously presented at the Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation 2001 Conference, Madison, Wisconsin. August, 2001. * Adrian Matellanes and Ismael Ripoll. [http://www.ocera.org/archive/deliverables/ms1-month6/WP3/D3.2_Not_in_Open_RTOS/D3.2.pdf| WP3 - Market Analysis: Deliverable D3.2 - Functionalities not Available in Open RTOS]. October 2002. Project seems to be focused on GNU/Linux and RTEMS was more deeply embedded than they wanted. They also include QNX in their marker survey which is not open source or free. = Published in 2001 = * [http://www.slac.stanford.edu/econf/C011127/WEBT002.shtml EPICS: A Retrospective on Porting iocCore to Multiple Operating Systems]. M.R. Kraimer, J.B. Anderson, J.O. Hill, and E. Norum. [http://www-project.slac.stanford.edu/icalepcs/ 8th International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems.] November 27-31, 2001. * [http://www.slac.stanford.edu/econf/C011127/WEBI001.shtml Open Source Real-Time Operating Systems Overview]. [mailto:strauman@slac.stanford.edu Till Straumman]. [http://www-project.slac.stanford.edu/icalepcs/ 8th International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems.] November 27-31, 2001. * [http://www.rtems.com/ml/rtems-users/2001/july/pdf00002.pdf Smart Budgeting for a Smart Controller] was presented at [http://modernnoise.com/acma/ Waveform 2001] by [mailto:angelo_f@bigpond.com Angelo Fraietta]. This paper discusses his experience with using RTEMS in his Smart Controller -- a portable hardware device that allows performers to create music using MIDI and Programmable Logic Control. * "Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis of the RTEMS Real-Time Operating System." A. Colin, I. Puaut. Proc. of the 13th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems. pages 191--198, Delft, The Netherlands. June 2001. This paper is from the [http://www.irisa.fr/solidor/work/hades.html Hades -- Operating Systems for critical applications] site. They have at least this one paper on RTEMS. Sadly, this paper is mostly correct but unfortunately the authors misunderstood at least one RTEMS algorithm and incorrectly cited it as non-deterministic. :( * EPICS on the RTEMS Real-Time Executive. W. Eric Norum. Presented at the Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation 2001 Conference, Madison, Wisconsin. August, 2001. To be published in the American Institute of Physics `Review of Scientific Instrumentation'. January, 2002. * [http://www.sigda.org/Archives/ProceedingArchives/CODES/Codes2001/papers/2001/codes01/pdffiles/5_1.pdf Generating Mixed Hardware/Software Systems from SDL Specifications]. Frank Slomka, Matthias Dörfel, Ralf Münzenberger. Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Hardware/Software Codesign (CODES 2001). Copenhagen, Denmark. Sponsored by: ACM SIGDA, ACM SIGSOFT, IEEE Computer Society, IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, and IFIP WG 10.5. April 25-27, 2001. = Published in 2000 = * "Sherlock: Commercial High Assurance Network Computing." Stephen Neal, Melissa Hartman, Steven Morgan, and Matthew Laue. [http://www.itacs.uow.edu.au/ccsr/proceedings/isw2000/index.html| ISW 2000, the third Information Security Workshop]. University of Wollongong. 20-21 December 2000. The proceedings were published as number 1975 in the Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. * [ftp://ftp.estec.esa.nl/pub/ws/opensource/OpenSourceSeminar.htm| RTEMS Open Source Model: A Business and Technical Perspective] at [http://www.estec.esa.nl/CONFANNOUN/00e09/index.html| The Role of Open-Source Software in the Space Business: Technical Issues, Use Guidance, Legal Implications], ESA ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, October 2000. * [http://flightlinux.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/Target_Arch_Report.pdf| FlightLinux Project Target Architecture Technical Report], Patrick H. Stakem, QSS Group, Inc., Revised 3/6/2001. * [http://www-cad.eecs.berkeley.edu/cad-seminar/fall00/papers/pree.pdf| OO Framework for On-Board Satellite Software], Wolfgang Pree, Fall 2000. * [http://polaris.dit.upm.es/~str/papers/puente&00a.pdf| An Open Ravenscar Real-Time Kernel for GNAT], Juan A. de la Puente, José F. Ruiz, and Juan Zamorano, In Hubert B. Keller and Erhard Plödereder (Eds.) Reliable Software Technologies. Ada-Europe 2000 Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1845. Springer-Verlag (2000). * [http://polaris.dit.upm.es/~str/papers/puente&00b.pdf| ORK: An Open Source Real-Time Kernel for On-Board Software Systems]. Juan A. de la Puente, José F. Ruiz, Juan Zamorano, Rodrigo García, and Ramón Fernández-Marina. In DASIA 2000 - Data Systems in Aerospace. Montreal, Canada, 2000. * [http://www.rcs.ei.tum.de/~kolloch/edf-rtems/| Code generation with SDL -- an integration with RTEMS and message deadlines]. Thomas Kolloch. Technical report TR-SDL00, Lehrstuhl für Realzeit-Computersysteme, Technische Universität München. München, Germany, January 2000. Draft online version. * Real-Time PC - Real Time Executive for Multiprocessor Systems Parts 1 2, 3, and 4: Introduction to RTEMS, Ingo Cyliax, [http://www.circuitcellar.com/| Circuit Cellar], May - August 2000. = Published in 1999 = * [http://www.magnet.oma.be/wrmiss/workshops/fourth/akulin.pdf| Current status of the Radiation Monitoring System for ISS/RS and preliminary results for its component testing onboard MIR station] M.I. Panasyuk, A.G. Myasnikov, A.I.Akulin, E.O.Asoskova, A.A.Beliaev, and D.V. Kalinin. [http://www.magnet.oma.be/wrmiss/wrmiss.html| Fourth Workshop on Radiation Monitoring for the International Space Station]. Farnborough, Hamps-h-i-t-e (ignore dashes, without them spam filter is tripped), UK. WRMISS-99. * [http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/328063.html| To Ada or not To Ada: Adaing vs. Javaing in Real-Time Systems]. Luís Miguel Pinho and Francisco Vasques. ACM Ada Letters, Vol. XIX, N. 4, pp 37-43, December 1999. * "Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis of the RTEMS Real-Time Operating System." A. Colin, I. Puaut. Proc. of the 13th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems. IRISA technical report NoPI1236, November 1999. This paper appears to be based on the same work that was later published at EuroMicro. This work is from the [http://www.irisa.fr/solidor/work/hades.html| Hades -- Operating Systems for critical applications] site. They have at least this one paper on RTEMS. Sadly, this paper is mostly correct but unfortunately the authors misunderstood at least one RTEMS algorithm and incorrectly cited it as non-deterministic. :( * [http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/336076.html| Replica Management in Real-Time Ada 95 Application]. Luís Miguel Pinho and Francisco Vasques. Submitted to IRTAW-99. = Published in 1998 = * [http://www.acm.org/sigada/conf/sa98/papers/kamrad.pdf| Ada Experience Report], Mike Kamrad, SigAda 1998. * "DATA-CHASER: A Demonstration of Advanced Mission Operations Technologies." Shepperd, R., J. Willis, E. Hansen, J. Faber, S. Siewert. IEEE Aerospace Conference 1998. = Published in 1997 = * "Communication and distribution tools for embedded distributed applications: a case study with Ada 95 and its distributed systems annex," Pierre Dissaux, Laurent Pautet, Lars Björnfot, Yvon Kermarrec and Dominique LeCampion, Ravenscar UK, April 1997 * "Developing Embedded Systems in Ada95 with GNAT/RTEMS," Software Technology Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, May 1997. * "Developing Embedded Systems in Ada95 with GNAT/RTEMS," Workshop on Methods and Tools for Ada95 Distributed and Real-Time System, ENST, Brest, France, September 1997. * [http://www.mpirt.org/documents/hpec97.pdf| Design and Development of the Real- Time Message Passing Interface (MPI/ RT) Standard], Anthony Skjellum (MSU) and Arkady Kanevsky (MITRE), presented at HPEC-97, September 18, 1997. * [http://www.era.co.uk/assc/Proc3.pdf| Evaluation of RTOS systems] from [http://www.era.co.uk| ERA UK]. ASSC/330/2/141-Issue 1. March 1997. = Published in 1996 = * [http://papers.maxwell.af.mil/research/ay1996/afit/gcs-eng-96d-16.htm| Implementation of an ADA95 Crosscompiler for the Real-Time Executive for Military Systems (RTEMS)], Kendall M. Lemley, Jr., Master's thesis, AFIT/GCS/ENG/96D-16, Decemember 1996. Available from [http://stinet.dtic.mil| DoD Scientific and Technical Information Network] in PDF as report number ADA323336. The link is dynamically generated so go through the search engine. * "The DATA-CHASER HitchHiker Project as a Demonstration of Distributed Operations for Small Satellites." Shepperd, Ryan W. and Jason R. Willis. 10th Annual AIAA Utah State University Conference on Small Satellites, Logan Utah. September, 1996. * [http://www-sgc.colorado.edu/boulder/published_papers/SO96_6_07.html| A Distributed Operations Automation Testbed to Evaluate System Support for Autonomy and Operator Interaction Protocols]. Sam Siewert. 4th International Symposium on Space Mission Operations and Ground Data Systems. ESA, Forum der Technik, Munich, Germany. September 1996. * [http://www-sgc.colorado.edu/boulder/published_papers/rcepub.html| A Space Systems Testbed for Situated Agent Observability and Interaction] Sam Siewert and Gary Nutt. 2nd Conference on Robotics for Challenging Environments, ASCE, Albuquerque, New Mexico, June, 1996. * "The DATA-CHASER Hitchhiker Project as a Demonstration of Distributed Operations for Small Payloads." Shepperd, Ryan W. and Jason R. Willis. 1996 AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting. Austin, Texas. February, 1996. = Published in 1995 = * [http://www.eiscat.uit.no/papers/GroupIP_note.ps| MVME162 Board Support for the RTEMS Real-time Executive] was written by M.Savitski and published in Issue 1 of "Mezzanines.IP & PMC Solutions for Flexible Embedded Design" in Spring 1995. * [http://www.eiscat.uit.no/papers/rt95.ps| The EISCAT Svalbard Radar On-Line System], M.Savitski and G.Wannberg, Presented at the Ninth Conference on Real-Time Computer Applications in Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics, May 23-26, 1995, East Lansing, MI, USA. * [http://www-sgc.colorado.edu/boulder/published_papers/siewert.html| A System Architecture to Advance Small Satellite Mission Operations Autonomy]. Sam Siewert. 9th Annual AIAA Utah State University Conference on Small Satellites. Logan Utah. September, 1995. * P. Dissaux and L. Pautet. "Communication and distribution tools for embedded distributed applications: a case study with {Ada 95} and its distributed systems annex". ACM SIGADA Ada Letters. Vol. 17 Num. 5. pp 40-44. 1997. Citation: http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/345879.html = Published in 1994 = * [http://www.stsc.hill.af.mil/crosstalk/1994/dec/xt94d12f.asp| A Reusable Ada Real-Time Multiprocessing Executive for Military Systems] was written by Phillip R. Acuff, Ron O'Guin, Mark Johannes, and Joel Sherrill in the December 1994 issue of [http://www.stsc.hill.af.mil/crosstalk/crostalk.asp| CrossTalk]. This is the first published RTEMS paper even though there had been releases available to non-Army users since the 1991 timeframe. = Published in 1993 = * "Reusable Ada Real-Time Multiprocessing Executive for Missile Systems," Wanda Hughes and OAR Corporation. Report AMSMI/TR-RD-GC-93-35. September 1993. A hard copy can be ordered from the [http://stinet.dtic.mil| DoD Scientific and Technical Information Network]. * "Real-Time Executive for Military Systems C Applications User's Guide," Attributed to Wanda Hughes since she was the initial U.S. Army technical monitor but actually this is just the user's manual written by OAR Corporation. Report AMSMI/TR-RD-GC-93-36. November 1993. A hard copy can be order from the [http://stinet.dtic.mil| DoD Scientific and Technical Information Network]. = Published in 1992 = * "Real-Time Executive for Missile Systems MC68020 C Interface," Attributed to Phillip R. Acuff and Wanda Hughes since they were the U.S. Army technical monitors but actually this is just part of the RTEMS manual set written by OAR Corporation. Report AMSMI/TR-RD-GC-92-29. May 1992. A hard copy can be order from the [http://stinet.dtic.mil| DoD Scientific and Technical Information Network]. * "Real-Time Executive for Missile Systems i80386 C Interface," Attributed to Phillip R. Acuff and Wanda Hughes since they were the U.S. Army technical monitors but actually this is just part of the RTEMS manual set written by OAR Corporation. Report AMSMI/TR-RD-GC-92-32. May 1992. A hard copy can be order from the [http://stinet.dtic.mil| DoD Scientific and Technical Information Network]. * "Real-Time Executive for Missile Systems MC68020 Ada Interface," Attributed to Phillip R. Acuff and Wanda Hughes since they were the U.S. Army technical monitors but actually this is just part of the RTEMS manual set written by OAR Corporation. Report AMSMI/TR-RD-GC-92-30. May 1992. A hard copy can be order from the [http://stinet.dtic.mil| DoD Scientific and Technical Information Network]. * "Real-Time Executive for Missile Systems i80386 Assembly Interface," Attributed to Phillip R. Acuff and Wanda Hughes since they were the U.S. Army technical monitors but actually this is just part of the RTEMS manual set written by OAR Corporation. Report AMSMI/TR-RD-GC-92-33. May 1992. A hard copy can be order from the [http://stinet.dtic.mil| DoD Scientific and Technical Information Network]. * "Real-Time Executive for Missile Systems MC68020 Assembly Interface," Attributed to Phillip R. Acuff and Wanda Hughes since they were the U.S. Army technical monitors but actually this is just part of the RTEMS manual set written by OAR Corporation. Report AMSMI/TR-RD-GC-92-31. May 1992. A hard copy can be order from the [http://stinet.dtic.mil| DoD Scientific and Technical Information Network]. = Published in 1991 = * "Proceedings of Technology Showcase Held in Huntsville, Alabama on 7-9 August 1990," includes a presentation by a representative of the Army Missile Research Development and Engineering Center at Redstone Arsenal, Alabama on RTEMS. August 1990. A hard copy can be order from the [http://stinet.dtic.mil| DoD Scientific and Technical Information Network]. = Published in 1990 = No known papers in 1990. = = Not placed yet or Unknown == * Operating Systems on SoCs: A Good Idea? Frank Engel, Gernot Heiser, Ihor Kuz, Stefan M. Petters, and Sergio Ruocco. http://www-users.cs.york.ac.uk/~neil/ERTSI/camera/petters.pdf * [http://lslwww.epfl.ch/labomat/main.html| Labomat3]