= Leon rtems merge = The purpose of this open project is to merge Leon/Sparc support into mainstream RTEMS... This task can be divided into the following sub-tasks: # Merge the drivers from [https://github.com/daniel-hellstrom/leon-rtems/tree/master/c/src/lib LEON RTEMS] that are RTEMS licensed into mainstream RTEMS # Update the [http://gaisler.com/anonftp/rcc/patches/libdrvmgr-001.patch libdrvrmgr patch] amd format for use with git # Change [http://gaisler.com/anonftp/rcc/patches/cpukit_libdrvmgr-001.tar.bz2 libdrvmgr] into a series of patches for use with the [http://git.rtems.org/rtems/ rtems git] # Change [http://gaisler.com/anonftp/rcc/src/samples-rtems-4.10- Leon samples] into a series of patches for use with the [http://git.rtems.org/rtems/ rtems git] # Explore how to merge [http://gaisler.com/anonftp/rcc/patches/old/libdrvmgr_examples-001.tar.bz2 libdrvmgr examples] into RTEMS Additional work for this task (if needed) could include: # Porting some of the sparc-specific support to other architectures # hooking the driver manager into drivers for other architectures (such as mips...)= References = # https://github.com/daniel-hellstrom/leon-rtems/ the git repository with Leon specific rtems drivers.