= TestingReview = = Testing Framework Reviews = Testing Frameworks Lists and Review [wiki:Projects/GSoC/TestingReview/CMock CMock] CMock is a highly automated testing framework based on Unity, a unit testing framework. * Lisense: MIT License * Programming Language: C * Maturity: * Projects: * Maintainership: * 3 Core Developers: Mike Karlesky, Mark VanderVoord, Greg Williams * Community(according to their website): 5 Contributors, 16 Bug Finders, 4 Mentors, 2 Porters, no estimation of users provided. [wiki:Projects/GSoC/TestingReview/Cmockery Cmockery] Cmockery is a lightweight and highly portable unit testing framework with minimum conflicts with standard C library headers. * License: Apache License 2.0 * Programming Language: C * Maturity: * Projects: * Latest download count: 4618 * Maintainership: * 4 Core Developers * Last release time: Sep 2008 * Expected update: Cmockery 0.1.3 * Community(Estimated): 93 users [wiki:Projects/GSoC/TestingReview/Test-dept Test-dept] TestDept is unit testing framework providing stubing capabilities. * License: GNU GPL v3 * Programming Language: C, Assembly * Maturity: * Projects: * Latest Download count: 231 * Maintainership: * 2 Core Developer * Last Update Date: Nov 2010 * Update Frequency before Nov 2010: every four month * Community(Estimated): 14 users [wiki:Projects/GSoC/TestingReview/AceUnit AceUnit] AceUnit is a simple unit testing framework based on CUnit and EmbUnit. * License: BSD * Programming Language: C * Maturity: * Projects: * Download count: 13 downloads last week * Maintainership: * 2 Core Developers * Last update date: 2009-9-30 [wiki:Projects/GSoC/TestingReview/Google_Test_and_Google_Mock Google Test and Google Mock] Google Tests is unit testing framework conforming to xUnit architecture. Google Mock is a library that can be used to provide mocking functionality to other C++ testing frameworks as well. They can be used in combination for host based testing with powerful functionalities they provide. * License: New BSD license * Programming Language: C++ * Maturity: * Projects: * Download count: 86347 for Google Test, 30548 for Google Mock. * Maintainership: * Core Developers: 11 for Google Test, 9 for Google Mock * Community: 1655 users for Google Test, 673 for Google Mock. * Latest update date: Apr 2011 [wiki:Projects/GSoC/TestingReview/Check Check] Check is simple unit testing framework for test-driven development. * License: LGPL * Programming Language: C * Maturity: fairly stable * Projects: * BitlBee: http://www.bitlbee.org/ * checkmk: http://micah.cowan.name/projects/checkmk/ * ctrlproxy: http://ctrlproxy.vernstok.nl/ * Daimonin: http://sourceforge.net/projects/daimonin/ * DBMail: http://www.dbmail.org/ * Enlightenment (Eet and Eina libs): http://trac.enlightenment.org/e * EXIP: http://exip.sourceforge.net/ * Expat: http://expat.sourceforge.net/ * GNOME BuildBrigade: http://live.gnome.org/BuildBrigade/ * GStreamer: http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/ * GNUpdf: http://www.gnupdf.org/ * Iodine: http://code.kryo.se/iodine/ * Lasso: http://lasso.entrouvert.org/ * libspmt: https://svn.sable.mcgill.ca/sable/spmt/libspmt/ * Loudmouth: http://developer.imendio.com/projects/loudmouth/ * OpenSync (libopensync and libsyncml): http://www.opensync.org/ * Pigment: https://code.fluendo.com/pigment/trac/wiki * RAPP: http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/rapp * RedStore: http://code.google.com/p/redstore/ * SCEW: http://www.nongnu.org/scew/ * SSSD: https://fedorahosted.org/sssd/ * Tinymail: http://tinymail.org/ * XCB: http://xcb.freedesktop.org/ * Download count: 1132 last week * Maintainership: * 4 Core Developers: Arien Malec, Chris Pickett, Fredrik Hugosson, and Robert Lemmen. * Last update date: 2009-9-23 [wiki:Projects/GSoC/TestingReview/CU CU] CU is a lightweight and simple unit testing framework suited for host-based testing with enriched set of assertions. * License: GNU Lesser General Public License v3 * Programming Language: C * Maturity: * Projects: * Maintainership: * 1 Core Developer: Daniel Fiser * Last update date: 2010-9-14 [wiki:Projects/GSoC/TestingReview/CxxTest CxxTest] CxxTest is a unit testing framework in C++ with xUnit architecture. * License: LGPL v2 * Programming Language: C++ * Maturity: * Projects: * Download count: 114 downloads last week * Maintainership: * Current Version: CxxTest 4.0 * 4 Core Developers * Last update date: 2012-1-7 [wiki:Projects/GSoC/TestingReview/CuTest CuTest] CuTest is very simple unit testing framework. * License: GPL v2 * Programming Language: C * Maturity: * Projects: * Download count: 56 downloads last week * Maintainership: * 1 Core Developer * Last update date: 2010-7-22 [wiki:Projects/GSoC/TestingReview/EmbUnit EmbUnit] EmbUnit is unit testing framework for embedded software. * License: MIT * Programming language C * Maturity: * Projects: * Download count: 25 last week. * Maintainership: * Core Developers: 2 * Last updated date: 2004-2-10 * A bad review on sourceforge saying that a bug has not been fixed for a long time.