Notice: We have migrated to GitLab launching 2024-05-01 see here:

Version 4 (modified by JoelSherrill, on 02/07/10 at 06:06:06) (diff)


Table of Contents

    Error: Page TBR/Review/OpenProjectTemplate does not exist

Credit: Boost C++'s Google SoC page for the inspiration for the template entry.

Status: Current status of project.

Introduction: Introduce the main concepts around the project: Theoretical preliminaries, preexisting RTEMS capabilities used or augmented (if any), important concepts, problems/needs the project will try to solve/satisfy.

Goal: Concise statement of the overall goal of the project. Refine this initial statement to include: project deliverables (code, docs, testing), required/suggested methodology, standards of quality, possible goal extensions beyond the main objective.

Requirements: List the requirements and level of expertise you estimate are required by the developer tackling this project will have to have: Required level of programming language(s), specific areas of RTEMS or tools, level of familiarity with RTEMS, cross-development, GNU/Linux, etx., development/documentation/testing tools, mathematical/algorithmic background, other desirable skills.

Resources: Current RTEMS developers, papers, etc that may help you in this project.


  • who helped add did work

Miscellaneous Sections

As the project progresses, you will need to add build instructions, etc and this page will evolve from a project description into a HOWTO.


  • TBD

Other sections: If you have more to say about the project that doesn't fit in the proposed sections of this template, feel free to add other sections at will.