
Version 8 (modified by C Rempel, on 06/25/12 at 04:52:08) (diff)

/* Some quick notes */


Some quick notes

To build SQLite from the development repository, you need TCL and fossil. TCL is part of the SQLite build system, while fossil is another version control system.

~$ sudo apt-get install tcl8.5 fossil

SQLite uses fossil for their development branch, so if you use their development branch, you have some steps to go through:

First, check out a "fossil" which is a single file with all the information

~/sqlite$ fossil clone trunk.fossil

Second, make and navigate into an sqlite directory:

~$ mkdir sqlite ~$ cd sqlite

Third, open the fossil file

~/sqlite$ fossil open ../trunk.fossil

Fourth, archaive the sqlite folder (so you have an old copy to fall back on)...

~/sqlite$ cd .. ~$ tar -acf sqlite.fossil.tar.bz2 sqlite

close the fossil file

~$ cd sqlite ~/sqlite$ fossil close ../trunk.fossil

SQLite "Almalgamates" the source code before building, which can complicate finding required configuration changes, so using --disable-amalgamate seems to make it easier to find where needed changes are.

An existing demo that may be helpful for making a demo package looks to be the Network File System demo, network-demos/nfsClient, because SQLite's OS initialization uses a file system, and nfsClient has a file system. Haven't gotten any farther, but I thought that was rather interesting...


This looks promising...