= MicroWindows = This page provides a description of [wiki:Packages/MicroWindows MicroWindows] and instructions on how to build it and use it in your application. = Description = [http://www.nanogui.org/ Nano-X ] is an Open Source project aimed at bringing the features of modern graphical windowing environments to smaller devices and platforms. The Win32/WinCE API implementation is known as Microwindows, and the Xlib-like API implementation is known as Nano-X. (The project was renamed from MicroWindows to Nano-X in 2005 to avoid any trademark disputes with Microsoft's Windows.) The [wiki:TBR/UserApp/TCB-2 TCB-2], [wiki:TBR/UserApp/Fonix7000 Fonix7000] and [wiki:TBR/UserApp/AMV_Technic_I AMV TECHNIC I] are three examples of RTEMS-based products also using Microwindows and Nano-X. [http://www.nanogui.org/images/Nano-X-PopupKbd.gif AMV TECHNIC I] The list of [wiki:Open_Projects#Nano-X_.28formerly_MicroWindows.29_ Open Projects] contains additional resources for Nano-X on RTEMS. = Building [wiki:Packages/MicroWindows MicroWindows] = Checkout latest sources from MicroWindows/Nano-X repository cvs -z9 -d:pserver:anoncvs@cvs.microwindows.org:/usr/cvs co microwin Configure for RTEMS cd src cp Configs/config.rtems config Select tool-chain and directories for desired RTEMS target system in config file. There is example of changes used for [wiki:TBR/BSP/Csb336 ARM CSB336 BSP] RTEMSTOOLSPREFIX = arm-rtems4.9- GRAYPALETTE = Y FBVGA = N HAVETEXTMODE = N NOMOUSE = Y RTEMS_BUILD = /opt/rtems4.9 RTEMS_BSP = csb336 RTEMS_TARGET = arm-rtems4.9 Then regular make clean and make all can be used to build libraries. Unfortunately, MicroWindows/Nano-X CVS has not been updated for long time and we have not luck with attempt to integrate our changes and fixes back to mainline yet. The patches used [wiki:TBR/UserApp/AMV_Technic_I AMV TECHNIC I] build, correcting native build under X for 64-bit Linux systems and cleaning some 16-bit integer incompatibilities for H8S targets can be found in next archive [http://cmp.felk.cvut.cz/~pisa/rtems/microwin-081202-patches.tar.gz http://cmp.felk.cvut.cz/~pisa/rtems/microwin-081202-patches.tar.gz] = Using [wiki:Packages/MicroWindows MicroWindows] in an Application = TBD - include configuration details and hints on where to start