= Google Summer of Code 2024 = [[TOC(GSoC/2024, depth=2)]] This page is for the contributors who make proposals as well as those who work on projects for RTEMS as part of GSoC 2024. = Contributors' Proposals = Start filling in this table for yourself as soon as possible and update as needed. || '''Contributor Name''' || '''Completed Hello''' || '''Discord Handle''' || '''Proposal Title''' || '''Google Docs URL''' || '''Final Submitted''' || Seif alrahman alfakharany || Yes || Saif alrahman alfakharany || tbd || tbd || No || Ning Yang || Yes || yangn0 || Adding SPI, Watchdog and SD card support to Raspberry Pi 4B BSP || [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NjlUSWhqwUvrsQPBISU05ah0I0IGkEuq6BIThrkMBsg/edit?usp=sharing Adding SPI, Watchdog and SD card support to Raspberry Pi 4B BSP] || Yes || Atharv Dubey || Yes || atharvdubey || Add RSB for LLVM Targeting RTEMS || [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LueKJ_qPMTkmXR0WJ27awtoxQ7ViGyIlodkyp46rapU/edit?usp=sharing Add RSB for LLVM targeting RTEMS] || No || Ashish Baghel || Yes || neverneverne6135 || WiFi Support needs rc.conf integration || [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OWo-nvx8ewfaJpL3G0j5O7rzrFLe59-vdIpqOjZZ0b8/edit?usp=sharing WiFi Support needs rc.conf integration] || No || Matheus Pecoraro || Yes || whomst__ || Continue the Development of the x86_64 BSP || [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Q9F-BwuLKz66-83UBcraiPQzoZ_hEbMoWDNWGvbJM4o/edit?usp=sharing Continue the Development of the x86_64 BSP] || No || Alessandro Nardin || Yes || oliosasso || POSIX AIO Implementation || [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UXSAWppHB2gBhtXYMdMJEHDWSvYC_1NPV3ZGkKbl0-k/edit?usp=sharing POSIX AIO Implementation] || No || Mohamed Hassan || Yes || 7amzy || Make Stack Checker Error Handler Configurable || [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Kn02yQQNI9qHwup5kuGEhj-9l-dpnwYgYvFceXD-BxA/edit?usp=sharing Make Stack Checker Configurable] || No || Samuel Pires || Yes || disnoca || Add support for C11 Annex K Bounds Checking Functions || [https://docs.google.com/document/d/13NPSuORyC111Fn9MEJeEOb1K4ormqJeSV0jnxq9UMUs/edit?usp=sharing Add support for C11 Annex K Bounds Checking Functions] || No || Purva Yeshi || Yes || purva_yeshi_01980 || Add BSP for Polarfire based Beagle || [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EFXrD_59smEoH-mLu6vkrc_5k2wb5hyzI16NUXWzI8k/edit Add BSP for Polarfire based Beagle] || No || Pranav Gupta || Yes || kush924 || Add RTEMS Framework to PlatformIO || [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uyC1Eai73RET6lcWMkSe01FvcXWhceSD9_q4v8eYCCI/edit?usp=sharing Add RTEMS Framework to PlatformIO] || No || Suraj Kumar || Yes || the.m3chanic || Add Python initializer for gdb RTEMS specific support || [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VeS-QCJv5HUE4pUU8jJ-OqpYSvnffpZclXF7KbKGqAw/edit?usp=sharing Add Python initializer for gdb RTEMS specific support] || No || Suraj Sonawane || Yes || suraj0215 || Add support for renode.io Simulator || TBD || No || Abhinav Srivastava || Yes || abhinaviswriting || New APIs Added to POSIX Standard (2024) || https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iwgzx72TZ0aokNLww-y-IlyEkaRCovjGUhpdQXdP9mg/edit?usp=sharing || No || Chandra B Nair || Yes || sherlockcheezu || IMFS - Improve Bytes Per Block Handling || [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1228ym6YRrQGnnzvJUkVv85xM3F_-lwVxRz5bpZFAsMo/edit?usp=sharing IMFS - Improve Bytes Per Block Handling] || No || Sean Tang || No || badporkgrammar || TBD || TBD || No The columns are to be filled in as follows: * The ''Contributor'' column is for your name. * The ''Completed Hello'' column lets us all know whether or not you completed the mandatory Hello World project. Email your proof to Gedare, Joel, and Chris Johns. * The ''nick on Discord'' column is your handle on Discord. RTEMS folks hang out there with best-effort service. * The ''Proposal Title'' should be self-explanatory. * The ''Google Docs URL'' is your proposal in Google Docs that can be reviewed and commented on by mentors. The [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1F5XCodvX8AYNqWX5ssu7dfjkmFT__83uf8ABKbB_Pkg/edit?usp=sharing proposal template] should be '''copied''' and used as a baseline. This can be shared with mentors for review. Mentors can insert comments for you. You can use this as your Draft Proposal in the [https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com GSoC site]. * The ''Final Submitted'' should be set to Yes when you have submitted your Final PDF proposal on the official [https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com GSoC site]. If you do not submit the final proposal via the Google site, you cannot be considered! = Contributors' Summer of Code Tracking Table = Contributors whose GSoC project is accepted by RTEMS shall fill in a slot with their information in the following table, which helps to centralize [wiki:Developer/GSoC/ProjectManagement SoC Project Management]. ||'''Contributor Name'''|| '''Handle''' || '''Project Link''' || '''Repository Link on Github''' || '''Blog''' || '''Calendar''' The columns are to be filled in as follows: * The ''Contributor Name'' column is for your name. * The ''Handle'' column is your nickname on Discord. * The ''Project Link'' is a link to the Wiki page for your project. * The ''Repository Link on Github'' is a link to the Github repository for your project. It should be a specific repository, not just your github account! * The ''Blog'' is a link to your blog with entries about your project. It should be updated regularly during the summer. * The '''Calendar''' is a link to your Google Calendar with milestones and deliverables identified. = Contributor Status Updates = Each contributor has a section below for putting in notes from the weekly Discord meetings. == Gedare == * Jan 5: Tracking status page created.