= Google Summer of Code 2018 = [[TOC(GSoC/2018, depth=2)]] This page is for the students who make proposals as well as those who work on projects for RTEMS as part of GSoC 2018. = Students' Proposals = Start filling in this table for yourself as soon as possible and update as needed. || '''Student''' || '''Completed Hello''' || '''IRC Handle''' || '''Proposal Title''' || '''Google Docs URL''' || '''Final Submitted''' ||NAME || Yes or No || nick on #rtems || Project Title || [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1F5XCodvX8AYNqWX5ssu7dfjkmFT__83uf8ABKbB_Pkg/edit?usp=sharing Link to Google Docs for proposal (shared with mentors)] || Yes or No ||Braden Elliott || Yes || braden on #rtems || STM32F446RE BSP || https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nUlxKEiiW19ZxnN1Zn_ZLNP4R30kSAMXEF9VwQizq3w/edit?usp=sharing || Yes ||ANSHUMAN CHHABRA || Yes || anshuman23 on #rtems || TBD || TBD || TBD ||Amaan Cheval || Yes || Amaan || x86_64 port and BSP || https://docs.google.com/document/d/1X79Yj0DNqvaDFqpJMUX4gF3WC550GDvVDS5QufvAnFE/edit?usp=sharing || Yes ||Vidushi Vashishth|| Yes || reachvidu on #rtems || Runtime tracing || https://docs.google.com/document/d/1M7IUGsK3J6zqsNmyDhWKuRT69m4_SWqjftczrJKgHPM/edit?usp=sharing || TBD ||Vijay K. Banerjee|| Yes || vijayk on #rtems || Improve Coverage Analysis Toolset || https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UjCWE1ojrpDQLQ2fQqxHU0SCrLETlerxD6t0SOcQNLQ/edit?usp=sharing || Yes ||Udit kumar Agarwal|| Yes || madaari on #rtems || Porting SDIO driver and benchmarking || https://docs.google.com/document/d/15Ut9FLAV3Y0Up1Qn02ys6KAb2QhtReF_P-wNR861NMo/edit?usp=sharing || Yes ||Salil Sirotia || Yes ||salil on #rtems || Posix Compliance || https://docs.google.com/document/d/15aUQShwRzIOQQoNAGV9jjeJ1Q2CHLcv_icamEqrTORE/edit?usp=sharing || Yes ||Danxue Huang || Yes ||Dannie on #rtems || RTEMS Release Notes Generator (ticket: #3314) & RTEMS POSIX User Guide Generator (ticket: #3333) || https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cHFxkgv9VjDV0UrVAOaDyeE3XqnAXHQo70ciVpUSG58/edit || Yes The columns are to be filled in as follows: * The ''Student'' column is for your name. * The ''Completed Hello'' column lets us all know whether or not you completed the mandatory Hello World project. * The ''IRC Handle'' column is your handle on IRC. RTEMS folks hang out in #rtems on freenode.net. * The ''Proposal Title'' should be self-explanatory. * The ''Google Docs URL'' is your proposal in Google Docs that can be reviewed and commented on by mentors. The [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1F5XCodvX8AYNqWX5ssu7dfjkmFT__83uf8ABKbB_Pkg/edit?usp=sharing proposal template] should be '''copied''' and used as a baseline. This can be shared with mentors for review. Mentors can insert comments for you. You can use this as your Draft Proposal in the [https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com GSoC site]. * The ''Final Submitted'' should be set to Yes when you have submitted your Final PDF proposal on the official [https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com GSoC site]. If you do not submit the final proposal via the Google site, you cannot be considered! = Students' Summer of Code Tracking Table = Students whose GSoC project is accepted by RTEMS shall fill in a slot with their information in the following table, which helps to centralize [wiki:Developer/GSoC/ProjectManagement SoC Project Management]. ||'''Student Name'''|| '''IRC Handle''' || '''Project Link''' || '''Repository Link on Github''' || '''Blog''' || '''Calendar''' ||NAME || nick on #rtems || [https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/GSoC/2018 Project Wiki] || [https://github.com/rtems/rtems Project's Github repo] || [https://www.rtems.org Blog] || [https://calender.google.com Project Schedule] ||Udit kumar agarwal||madaari|| [https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/GSoC/2018/Porting_SDIO_and_Benchmarking Wiki] ||[https://github.com/madaari/GSoC-Porting-SDIO-driver-and-benchmarking Github]||[http://blog.uditagarwal.in/ Blog] || TBA ||Amaan Cheval||amaan|| [https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/GSoC/2018/x86_64_BSP Wiki] ||[https://github.com/AmaanC/rtems-gsoc18 Github]||[http://blog.whatthedude.com/ Blog] || [https://calendar.google.com/calendar?cid=cmNyOWhkMGp1N2kyNmE5aTFjZnRnZ2NlZW9AZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ Calendar] ||Vijay K. Banerjee||vijayk|| [https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/GSoC/2018/coverage_analysis_toolset Wiki] ||[https://github.com/thelunatic/rtems-tools Github]||[https://thelunatic.github.io/rtems_gsoc18/ Blog] || [https://calendar.google.com/calendar?cid=NTIzYWpuaWxmbnVxNzByY2NodGk4cDI5aDBAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ Calendar] ||Vidushi Vashishth||reachvidu||[https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/GSoC/2018/EnhancementRuntimeTracing Wiki]||[https://github.com/VidushiVashishth/rtems Github]||[https://vidushivashishth.github.io/ Blog]||TBA|| ||Danxue Huang||Dannie||[https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/GSoC/2018/Release_Notes_Generator_%26_POSIX_User_Guide_Generator Wiki]||[https://github.com/dh0072/GSoC---2018 Github]||[https://danxuehuang.blogspot.com/ Blog]||TBA|| ||Salil Sirotia||salil||[https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/GSoC/2018/Posixcompliance Wiki]||[https://github.com/salil0907/RTEMS Github]||[https://posixcompliance.blogspot.in/ Blog]||TBA The columns are to be filled in as follows: * The ''Student'' column is for your name. * The ''IRC Handle'' column is your handle on IRC. RTEMS folks hang out in #rtems on freenode.net. * The ''Project Link'' is a link to the Wiki page for your project. * The ''Repository Link on Github'' is a link to the github repository for your project. It should be a specific repository, not just your github account! * The ''Blog'' is a link to your blog with entries about your project. It should be updated regularly during the summer. * The '''Calendar''' is a link to your Google Calender with milestones and deliverables identified. = Student Status Updates = Each student has a section below for putting in notes from the weekly IRC meetings. == Gedare == * Jan 5: GSoC 2018 application submitted and tracking status page created. * May 16: Held Initial Meeting * Set format of meeting * Discuss expectations: * Participating in IRC and mailing lists. * Attendance at weekly meetings and giving status updates on wiki. * Posting to Github each day of work. * Merging significant pieces of code as they are ready. * Providing blog posts every week as you learn new things and achieve milestones. * Frequent interaction with your mentor. * Maintain documentation as needed for your project, and update any relevant tickets. * Do not let yourself be stuck for more than a day on something. * Student Updates * May 23: Missed Meeting. * May 30: Held Meeting. * Remind students to merge code and make progress. We are halfway through Phase 1. * Student Updates. * Ask students to review how to generate version numbered patches using `-v` option of `git-format-patch`. * Remind students to push their code to personal Github repositories daily to show progress and consistent activity. == Joel == * Jan 5: Signed up as an Org Admin. == Amaan Cheval == * May 16 * Added [https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/Developer/Simulators/QEMU#QEMUandUEFIusingOVMFEDKII instructions for running QEMU with UEFI (built using OVMF)] to the wiki * [https://github.com/AmaanC/rtems-gsoc18/tree/ac/stub-x86-link-tests-pre-bspreorg-bak Completed a compile stub which builds and links to tests] with the x86_64-tools (before the BSP source reorganization) * [https://gcc.gnu.org/git/?p=gcc.git;a=commitdiff;h=602fa1e9d3ea5e87d4d6e17e3e91fc2647e42da3 GCC patch] for -qrtems, -qnolinkcmds, etc. * [https://git.rtems.org/rtems-source-builder/commit/?id=defa958301215995b0fa41d8e65cb23c9a28a847 RSB patch] to backport the above GCC patch * [https://gcc.gnu.org/git/?p=gcc.git;a=commitdiff;h=ab55f7db3694293e4799d58f7e1a556c0eae863a GCC patch] to have GCC build crti.o and crtn.o (for _fini symbol) * [https://git.rtems.org/rtems-source-builder/commit/?id=a3a6c34c150a357e57769a26a460c475e188438f RSB patch] to backport the above GCC patch * [https://github.com/AmaanC/rtems-gsoc18/tree/ac/daily-01-compile-stub Started on compile stub] after rebasing for BSP source directory reorganization * Started thinking about and discussing how the UEFI application's PE file will be generated with our build system. Options: 1. EFL to EFI/PE converter in rtems-tools 2. Generate PE headers through ASM file within rtems kernel * May 23 * Complete compile stub after BSP reorg rebase * Investigate possbility of updating GCC to have an empty bsp_specs file for the new port. [https://lists.rtems.org/pipermail/devel/2018-May/021601.html Looks likely!] * Research various methods possible of making an OS UEFI-aware [https://blog.whatthedude.com/post/uefi-app-options/ blog about it] * [https://www.sourceware.org/ml/binutils/2018-05/msg00197.html Make patch to binutils] to add pei-x86-64 target to tools to allow using objcopy for ELF->PE conversion * Next: Investigate how FreeBSD builds and links to gnu-efi (potentially problematic for us since initial research suggests the need for -fpic -shared code) * May 30 * Understand how FreeBSD becomes UEFI-aware ([https://lists.rtems.org/pipermail/devel/2018-May/021751.html summarized on the mailing list] - tl;dr: they use an ELF loader to boot the kernel which is compiled as an ELF image) * Investigate how relocation works and what gnu-efi's runtime "self-relocator" is meant for (spoilers: for load-time / runtime relocations for a specific subset of relocations since the dynamic shared library is meant to be a fully resolved one) * Make a minimal project to play with gnu-efi and the different ways in which we may be able to integrate it into RTEMS (to reproduce RTEMS' structure with librtems*.a, gnu-efi, and user applications) == Vijay Kumar Banerjee == * May 16 * Progress so far : * The configuration files for coverage analysis are added. * The Coverage analysis is running from the top of the build tree. * txt coverage reports show good data . * Blockers: * The html reports don't show any data. * The coverage can't be run from out of the the build treee (the address in score-symbol.ini needs to be updated for that) * Current status: * working on the gcov support in covoar. currently producing the gcno file by changing the GCC flag and then feeding that to covoar is the next milestone. * May 23 * Progress so far : * The --coverage is showing html report * The build path generator has been added to script * Blockers : * Generating gcov report from the .gcno files * Current status : * Working on adding support in coverage to let the user select symbols for coverage analysis * Working on generating .gcno file and generating gcov report. * May 30 * Progress so far: * Added support for letting users run coverage on specific symbol/subsystems * The tester doesn't need to be run from top of build directory. * Blockers: * Covoar stores the coverage reports of all the subsystems into one directory which needs to be separate in order to make the report reliable and to get better idea of coverage of each subsystem. * The coverage script is hard coded to run for sparc-rtems5, which needs to be changed. One solution could be to include target in the ini config file for the bsp * Current status: * Working on producing separate coverage reports for each subsystems. == Udit kumar Agarwal == * May 16 * Progress so far : * Comparison and testing of different benchmarks on FreeBSD * Carried out performance analysis of SDHCI and SDIO driver on FreeBSD: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_lf9S136z0tJyni9W3t1__Rlrkal1fd6L7-vnlmYQpc/edit?usp=sharing Results] * Blockers: * IO Benchmark to be used, is yet to be finalized, before starting with the porting process. * Current status: * Understanding the internal working of IOZONE to see if most of its features are supported on RTEMS * May 23 * Progress so far : * IO Benchmark finalized - FIO, to be imported * Blockers: * None * Current status: * Started with resolving FIO's dependencies == Danxue (Dannie) Huang == * May 16 * Topic discussed: * Introduction about two tickets I am going to work on: RTEMS Release Notes Generator & Automate Conversion of Newlib Markup to Sphinx * Adjustment on process for generating the release notes * Current progress: * Fetch all the information and generate report from Trac * Refactor RSS page by using Python script * May 23 * Topic discussed: * Progress and goal about the final version of release report * Completed: * Generated the current version of release report from Trac * Next: * Fix problems like formatting issues on the current generated report == Vidushi Vashishth == * May 16 * Progress so far: * In the middle of developing use cases for the tracing framework * Working on setting up CTF traces on MacOS, and improving barectf * Current blockers: * Building difficulties due to extensive dependencies on numerous libraries that might not be compatible with MacOS * Will try changing development environment to Linux and duplicating the efforts * May 23 * Progress so far: * Documented the first idea for trace linker's use cases [https://vidushivashishth.github.io/Third-post-copy/ Use Cases] * Installed and understood the working of babeltrace * Identified problems with the current trace-linker *Next: * Working on a patch to fix the rtems-trace linker * Once this works I will document the method of CTF trace generation * Will begin working on integrating barectf with trace linker as the next step == Salil Sirotia == * May 16 * Progress so far: * Working on memcpy method and license issues to port the code in Newlib. * May 23 * Topic discussed: * Progress and ways to add memcpy in Newlib. * Current Blockers: * How to make autoreconf 2.64 as a default. * Updation in makefile.in * Next: * Adding dirfd method in dirent.h in Newlib.